I think I'd prefer continuing to use jira, but GitHub issues are certainly
much more discoverable for our users. The Arrow project uses GitHub issues
as a way to funnel users to the mailing lists and JIRA. When users go to
file an issue they're first given two options [1]:

- Ask a question -> Please ask questions at u...@arrow.apache.org
- Report an issue -> Please report bugs and request features on JIRA.

With accompanying links for each option. The user@ link actually takes you
to the new issue page, with a template strongly encouraging you to file a
jira or subscribe to the mailing lists.
Despite all these barriers people do still file github issues, and they
need to be triaged (usually they just receive a comment asking the reporter
to file a jira or linking to an existing jira), but the volume isn't that

Maybe we could consider something like that?


[1] https://github.com/apache/arrow/issues/new/choose

On Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 2:45 PM Robert Bradshaw <rober...@google.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 7:12 PM Kenneth Knowles <k...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 11:08 AM Robert Bradshaw <rober...@google.com>
>> wrote:
>>> +1 to a simple link that fills in most of the fields in JIRA, though
>>> this doesn't solve the issue of having to sign up just to submit a bug
>>> report. Just using the users list isn't a bad idea either--we could easily
>>> create a script that ensures all threads that have a message like "we
>>> should file a JIRA for this" are followed up with a message like "JIRA
>>> filed at ...". (That doesn't mean it won't language on the tracker.)
>>> I think it's worth seriously considering just using Github's issue
>>> tracker, since that's where our users are. Is there anything in we actually
>>> use in JIRA that'd be missing?
>> Pretty big question. Just noting to start that Apache projects certainly
>> can and do use GitHub issues. Here is a quick inventory of things that are
>> used in a meaningful way:
>>  - Priorities (with GitHub Issues I think you roll your own with labels)
>>  - Issue types (with GitHub Issues I think you roll your own with labels)
>>  - Distinct "Triage Needed" state (also labels; anything lacking the
>> "triaged" label)
>>  - Distinguishing "Open" and "In Progress" (also labels? can use
>> Projects/Milestones - I forget exactly which - to keep a kanban-ish status)
> Yes, basically everything can is done with labels. Whether having one
> hammer is good, well, there are pros and cons.
>>  - Our new automation: "stale-assigned" and subsequent unassign;
>> "stale-P2" and subsequent downgrade
> Github has a very nice ReST API, making things like this very easy.
>>  - Fix Version for associating fixes with releases
> This information is typically intrinsic with when the commits were applied
> and the bug closed. It's pretty typical to use milestones for a release,
> and then tag "blockers" to it. (IMHO, this is better than having the
> default always be the next release, and bumping all open bugs every release
> that comes out.) Milestones can be used to track other work as well.
>>  - Affect Version, while not used much, is still helpful to have
>>  - Components, since our repo is really a mini mono repo. Again, labels.
>>  - Kanban boards (milestones/projects maybe kinda)
>>  - Reports (not really same level, but maybe OK?)
>> Fairly recently I worked on a project that tried to use GitHub Issues and
>> Projects and Milestones and whatnot and it was OK but not great. Jira's
>> complexity is largely essential / not really complex but just visually
>> busy. The two are not really even comparable offerings. There may be third
>> party integrations that add some of what you'd want.
> Yeah, I agree Github issues is not as full featured. One thing I miss from
> other products is dependencies (though Jira's one level of subtasks isn't
> the best either.) But maybe I am just not a power user of JIRA, mostly
> using it as a (collective) TODO list and place to record state on
> bugs/features. It'd be useful to understand what others actually use/would
> really miss.
> The primary advantage of Github is to meet users where they are. I think
> it'll make it easier for users to find, file, and follow issues with Beam.
> Also, I agree with Max, we should have one source of truth. If we switch
> to github, we should actually switch (and such a step shouldn't be taken
> lightly).
>> On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 10:30 AM Kenneth Knowles <k...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> Very good points. We want the barrier to filing a bug report to be as
>>>> low as possible. Jira adds complexity of a sign up process and a complex
>>>> interface, and also users don't know what the fields mean (issue type,
>>>> priority, component, tag, fix version, etc). So it currently really doesn't
>>>> make sense to just point users at Jira and expect them to figure it out.
>>>> As for using user@beam for bug reports:
>>>>  - In practice, we have to edit most of the fields and improve the bug
>>>> description anyhow, so it might be no extra work for an experienced
>>>> contributor to file the bug based on the user's email.
>>>>  - Also in practice, we already do this. So it is just a matter of
>>>> pointing users that way.
>>>> One downside is that there is not really tracking of resolution of an
>>>> email thread, so unless it gets filed as a Jira it may sit unresolved.
>>>> Another option we could consider: I think we could have a "report a bug
>>>> / feature request" link that fills in most fields and gives the user a
>>>> simplified view (like GitHub issue view where it is just title & body). It
>>>> could end up that these Jiras get ignored just as easily as a user@beam
>>>> thread.
>>>> You can always have a link like that and it could point to whatever the
>>>> current choice is, like "mailto:u...@beam.apache.org"; though I think
>>>> mailto links are out of fashion these days.
>>>> Kenn
>>>> On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 2:50 PM Griselda Cuevas <g...@apache.org>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi folks,
>>>>> I recently made a few Jira boards [1][2] to help triage and organize
>>>>> Beam's backlog.
>>>>> Something that came to my mind is that reporting bugs and feature
>>>>> requests using Jira might be imposing a high barrier for users who don't
>>>>> have an account. This process might also make it difficult to ask 
>>>>> follow-up
>>>>> questions to reporters who don't monitor Jira's notifications.
>>>>> I want to gather consensus on updating the website to give the option
>>>>> to report bugs and feature requests by sending an email to users@b.a.o
>>>>> and adding a tag to the subject line ([bug] OR [New Feature])
>>>>> There are other more sustainable solutions, like looking into using
>>>>> GitHub issues, but they will have other costs, like migrating current
>>>>> tickets and systems, pointing them out here in case we want to consider.
>>>>> Let me know what you think,
>>>>> G
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12335922#
>>>>> [2]
>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12335923#
>>>>> [3] https://beam.apache.org/contribute/
>>>>> [4] https://beam.apache.org/community/contact-us/

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