Thank you for the clarification! Is there a way to control the number of
shards, i.e. the bundle? I know in pure Beam IO connectors, we have
num_shards supported, for example, WriteToParquet


On Thu, May 13, 2021 at 4:35 PM Robert Bradshaw <> wrote:

> Sharding is determined by the distribution of work. Each worker writes to
> its own shard, and in the case of dynamic partitioning, etc. workers may
> end up processing more than one "bundle" of items and hence produce more
> than one shard. See also
> On Thu, May 13, 2021 at 3:58 PM Wenbing Bai <>
> wrote:
>> Hi team,
>> I have another question when using Beam Dataframe IO connector. I tried
>> to_parquet, and my data are written to several different files. I am
>> wondering how I can control the number of files (shards) or how the
>> sharding is done for to_parquet and other Beam Dataframe IO APIs?
>> Thank you!
>> Wenbing
>> On Tue, May 11, 2021 at 12:20 PM Kenneth Knowles <> wrote:
>>> +dev <>
>>> In the Beam Java ecosystem, this functionality is provided by the Sorter
>>> library (
>>> I'm curious what people think about various options:
>>>  - Python version of the transform(s)
>>>  - Expose sorter as xlang transform(s)
>>>  - Convenience transforms (that use pandas in DoFns?) to just do it for
>>> small data per key to achieve compatibility
>>>  - Beam model extension so that runners can do it as part of GBK
>>> Kenn
>>> On Mon, May 10, 2021 at 5:26 PM Wenbing Bai <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Robert and Brian,
>>>> I don't know why I didn't catch your replies. But thank you so much for
>>>> looking at this.
>>>> My parquet files will be consumed by downstreaming processes which
>>>> require data points with the same "key1" that are sorted by "key2". The
>>>> downstreaming process, for example, will make a rolling window with size N
>>>> that reads N records together at one time. But note, the rolling window
>>>> will not cross different "key1".
>>>> So that is saying, 1) I don't need to sort the whole dataset. 2) all
>>>> data with the same "key1" should be located together.
>>>> I am not sure if I explain the use case clearly. Let me know what you
>>>> think.
>>>> Wenbing
>>>> On Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 5:01 PM Robert Bradshaw <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> It would also be helpful to understand what your overall objective is
>>>>> with this output. Is there a reason you need it sorted/partitioned in a
>>>>> certain way?
>>>>> On Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 4:51 PM Brian Hulette <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Wenbing,
>>>>>> Sorry for taking so long to get back to you on this.
>>>>>> I discussed this with Robert offline and we came up with a potential
>>>>>> workaround - you could try writing out the Parquet file from within the
>>>>>> groupby.apply method. You can use beam's FileSystems abstraction to open 
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> Python file object referencing a cloud storage file, and pass that file
>>>>>> object directly to the pandas to_parquet. It would look something like 
>>>>>> this:
>>>>>>   df.groupby('key1').apply(lambda df:
>>>>>> df.sort_values(by='key2').to_parquet("gs://bucket/file.pq"))
>>>>>> If writing out sorted, partitioned parquet files is a common use-case
>>>>>> we should think about making this easier though. At the very least
>>>>>> partition_cols should work, I filed BEAM-12201 [1] for this. That alone
>>>>>> won't be enough as our implementation will likely reshuffle the dataset 
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> enforce the partitioning, removing any sorting that you've applied, so 
>>>>>> we'd
>>>>>> also need to think about how to optimize the pipeline to avoid that 
>>>>>> shuffle.
>>>>>> Brian
>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 7, 2021 at 9:02 PM Wenbing Bai <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thank you, Brian. I tried `partition_cols`, but it is not working. I
>>>>>>> tried pure pandas, it does work, so I am not sure if anything wrong with
>>>>>>> Beam.
>>>>>>> Wenbing
>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 7, 2021 at 2:56 PM Brian Hulette <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hm, to_parquet does have a `partition_cols` argument [1] which we
>>>>>>>> pass through [2]. It would be interesting to see what
>>>>>>>> `partition_cols='key1'` does - I suspect it won't work perfectly 
>>>>>>>> though.
>>>>>>>> Do you have any thoughts here Robert?
>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 7, 2021 at 2:22 PM Wenbing Bai <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Robert and Brian,
>>>>>>>>> I tried groupby in my case. Here is my pipeline code. I do see all
>>>>>>>>> the data in the final parquet file are sorted in each group. However, 
>>>>>>>>> I'd
>>>>>>>>> like to write each partition (group) to an individual file, how can I
>>>>>>>>> achieve it? In addition, I am using the master of Apache Beam SDK, 
>>>>>>>>> how can
>>>>>>>>> I test the pipeline with DataflowRunner considering there is no 
>>>>>>>>> dataflow
>>>>>>>>> worker image available?
>>>>>>>>> data = [
>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>> "key1": 1000 + i % 10,
>>>>>>>>> "key2": randrange(10000),
>>>>>>>>> "feature_1": "somestring{}".format(i)
>>>>>>>>> } for i in range(10000)
>>>>>>>>> ]
>>>>>>>>> class TestRow(typing.NamedTuple):
>>>>>>>>> key1: int
>>>>>>>>> key2: int
>>>>>>>>> feature_1: str
>>>>>>>>> with beam.Pipeline() as p:
>>>>>>>>> pcoll = (
>>>>>>>>> p
>>>>>>>>> | beam.Create(data)
>>>>>>>>> | beam.Map(lambda x:x).with_output_types(TestRow)
>>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>>> df = to_dataframe(pcoll)
>>>>>>>>> sorted_df = df.groupby('key1').apply(lambda df: df.sort_values(by=
>>>>>>>>> 'key2')
>>>>>>>>> sorted_df.to_parquet('test_beam_dataframe{}.parquet'.format(str
>>>>>>>>> (uuid.uuid4())[:8]), engine='pyarrow', index=False)
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 2, 2021 at 10:00 AM Wenbing Bai <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, Robert and Brian.
>>>>>>>>>> I'd like to try this out. I am trying to distribute my dataset to
>>>>>>>>>> nodes, sort each partition by some key and then store each partition 
>>>>>>>>>> to its
>>>>>>>>>> own file.
>>>>>>>>>> Wenbing
>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 2, 2021 at 9:23 AM Brian Hulette <>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Note groupby.apply [1] in particular should be able to do what
>>>>>>>>>>> you want, something like:
>>>>>>>>>>>   df.groupby('key1').apply(lambda df: df.sort_values('key2'))
>>>>>>>>>>> But as Robert noted we don't make any guarantees about
>>>>>>>>>>> preserving this ordering later in the pipeline. For this reason I 
>>>>>>>>>>> actually
>>>>>>>>>>> just sent a PR to disallow sort_values on the entire dataset [2].
>>>>>>>>>>> Brian
>>>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 2, 2021 at 9:15 AM Robert Bradshaw <
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for trying this out.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Better support for groupby (e.g.
>>>>>>>>>>>> ,
>>>>>>>>>>>> will be available
>>>>>>>>>>>> in the next Beam release (2.29, in progress, but you could try out 
>>>>>>>>>>>> head if
>>>>>>>>>>>> you want). Note, however, that Beam PCollections are by definition
>>>>>>>>>>>> unordered, so unless you sort a partition and immediately do 
>>>>>>>>>>>> something with
>>>>>>>>>>>> it that ordering may not be preserved. If you could let us know 
>>>>>>>>>>>> what you're
>>>>>>>>>>>> trying to do with this ordering that would be helpful.
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Robert
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 1, 2021 at 7:31 PM Wenbing Bai <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Beam users,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have a user case to partition my PCollection by some key,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and then sort my rows within the same partition by some other key.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I feel Beam Dataframe could be a candidate solution, but I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> cannot figure out how to make it work. Specifically, I tried 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> df.groupby
>>>>>>>>>>>>> where I expect my data will be distributed to different nodes. I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> also tried
>>>>>>>>>>>>> df.sort_values, but it will sort my whole dataset, which is not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> what I need.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can someone shed some light on this?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wenbing Bai
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Data Infrastructure, Cruise
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pronouns: She/Her
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Confidentiality Note:* We care about protecting our
>>>>>>>>>>>>> proprietary information, confidential material, and trade
>>>>>>>>>>>>> secrets. This message may contain some or all of those
>>>>>>>>>>>>> things. Cruise will suffer material harm if anyone other than the 
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>>>>>>>>>>>>> recipient disseminates or takes any action based on this message. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> have received this message (including any attachments) in error, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> please
>>>>>>>>>>>>> delete it immediately and notify the sender promptly.
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Wenbing Bai
>>>>>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>>>>>>>>> Data Infrastructure, Cruise
>>>>>>>>>> Pronouns: She/Her
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Wenbing Bai
>>>>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>>>>>>>> Data Infrastructure, Cruise
>>>>>>>>> Pronouns: She/Her
>>>>>>>>> *Confidentiality Note:* We care about protecting our proprietary
>>>>>>>>> information, confidential material, and trade secrets. This
>>>>>>>>> message may contain some or all of those things. Cruise will suffer
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>>>>>>>>> takes any action based on this message. If you have received this 
>>>>>>>>> message
>>>>>>>>> (including any attachments) in error, please delete it immediately and
>>>>>>>>> notify the sender promptly.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Wenbing Bai
>>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>>>>>> Data Infrastructure, Cruise
>>>>>>> Pronouns: She/Her
>>>>>>> *Confidentiality Note:* We care about protecting our proprietary
>>>>>>> information, confidential material, and trade secrets. This message
>>>>>>> may contain some or all of those things. Cruise will suffer material 
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>>>>>>> sender promptly.
>>>> --
>>>> Wenbing Bai
>>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>>> Data Infrastructure, Cruise
>>>> Pronouns: She/Her
>>>> *Confidentiality Note:* We care about protecting our proprietary
>>>> information, confidential material, and trade secrets. This message
>>>> may contain some or all of those things. Cruise will suffer material harm
>>>> if anyone other than the intended recipient disseminates or takes any
>>>> action based on this message. If you have received this message (including
>>>> any attachments) in error, please delete it immediately and notify the
>>>> sender promptly.
>> --
>> Wenbing Bai
>> Senior Software Engineer
>> Data Infrastructure, Cruise
>> Pronouns: She/Her
>> *Confidentiality Note:* We care about protecting our proprietary
>> information, confidential material, and trade secrets. This message may
>> contain some or all of those things. Cruise will suffer material harm if
>> anyone other than the intended recipient disseminates or takes any action
>> based on this message. If you have received this message (including any
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>> promptly.


Wenbing Bai

Senior Software Engineer

Data Infrastructure, Cruise

Pronouns: She/Her


*Confidentiality Note:* We care about protecting our proprietary 
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