During the last branch cleanup, it appears I accidentally deleted the
release-2.26.0 branch.

Lukasz Cwik pointed this out to me, and fortunately I was able to recover
and push it back to the repo. However, Brian Hulette then pointed out
github lets us set up rules to avoid accidental deletion of branches that
match certain names.


So the proposal is we guard our release branches from accidental deletion
using this mechanism. A repo admin (which I think is probably a PMC
member?) can do so by following the linked instructions.

My only note is that setting up such a rule sets the protection by default,
and there shouldn't be any need to select other options (except at the
PMC's discretion).

Unless there's an objection (in the traditional ~3 day period), could a
volunteer PMC set up such a protection rule, and prevent my error from

Robert Burke
Beam Go Busybody.

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