Thanks for the update. Lots of great stuff here!

On Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 8:27 AM Andrey Devyatkin via dev
<> wrote:
> Hey Beam community,
> We are glad to announce some new changes that our team has been working on 
> for a while to implement new solutions and enhance the existing ones. The 
> main focus was to improve the Beam infrastructure by increasing test 
> coverage, adding a reporting mechanism, and enhancing the level of code 
> analysis:
> Load and Stress Tests for streaming cases
> We've laid the foundation for implementing Stress Tests to be used for 
> writing new tests and improving existing ones. Stress Tests were introduced 
> for the following IOs:
> BigQueryIO
> BigTableIO
> KafkaIO
> PubSubIO
> SpannerIO
> We've also implemented a new Load Test for PubSubIO.
> The intention behind the Stress Tests is to measure how a write operation 
> behaves under load and use the results to define potential SLAs for IOs. As a 
> result, we came up with a document describing all the experiments conducted 
> during the implementation, which helped us identify some bugs related to 
> missing records. The document contains a set of prerequisites, links to the 
> PRs and write jobs.
> For more information about the experiments: 
> Training DuetAI for Dataflow
> We continue to enrich the knowledge base of DuetAI so that it knows even more 
> about Apache Beam: starting from basic questions related to documentation and 
> ending with generating code examples on how to use I/O connectors and 
> explaining to the user what a particular piece of code provided by them does. 
> The knowledge base contains 56 prompt/response pairs for documentation 
> lookup, 11 code generation prompts and 11 code explanation prompts, covering 
> various I/O connectors implemented in Java and Python.
> See the knowledge base: 
> Beam Flaky Test Detection
> We've developed a reporting mechanism to notify about flaky test cases when 
> constant failed runs occur. Previously, there were no clear signals on what 
> tests were consistently flaky. Now, the tool monitors the current statistics 
> and creates a GitHub issue with a link to Grafana attached. You may have 
> noticed the open issues with the name "The <job_name> is flaky" in the daily 
> Beam High Priority Issue Report.
> For more information on how the tool works: 
> Beam Code Coverage Analysis
> There were some gaps in Python code coverage and no coverage analysis for 
> Java. As a result, we fixed configuration issues for the Jacoco plugin to 
> generate .xml files, which are used to display statistics in the Codecov 
> report, and adjusted the configuration for Python.
> For more details: 
> Beam Playground
> We've added a Playground CI Nightly check to make sure that Playground 
> examples remain functioning between SDK changes, etc. This will help ensure 
> that the examples are always up-to-date and that users can successfully use 
> them.
> Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank our team for these changes:
> Vlado Djerek (
> Vitaly Terentyev (
> Akarys Shorabek (
> Oleg Borisevich (
> Daria Bezkorovaina (
> Danny McCormick (
> Yi Hu (
> XQ Hu (
> Feel free to reach out to any of us if you have any questions.
> Thanks,
> Andrey

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