Hi James,

very good idea !

Couple of month ago, I completely revamped the Karaf website:


It could be a good skeleton in term of sections/pages.

IMHO, for Beam, at least for the home page, we should have:
1. a clear message about what Beam is from an user perspective: why should I use Beam and write pipelines, what's the value, etc. The runner writers, or DSL writers will find their resources but not on the homepage (on dedicated section of the website).

In term of sections, we could propose
1.1. Overview (with the three perspective/type of users)
1.2. Libraries: SDKs, DSLs, IOs, Runners
1.3. Documentation: Dev Guide, Samples, Runners Writer guide, ...
1.4. Community: mailing list, contribution guide, ...
1.5. Apache (link to ASF)

2. a look'n feel should be clean and professional, at least for the home page.

I would love to help here !


On 06/06/2016 05:29 PM, James Malone wrote:
Hello everyone!

The current design of the Apache Beam website[1] is based on the a basic
Bootstrap/Jekyll theme. While this made getting an initial site out quickly
pretty easy, the site itself is a little bland (in my opinion :). I propose
we create a new design (layout templates, color schemes, visual design) for
the Beam website.

Since the website is currently using Bootstrap and Jekyll, this should be a
relatively easy process. Getting this done will require a new design and
some CSS/HTML work. Additionally, before a design is put in place, I think
it makes sense to discuss any ideas about a future design first.

So, I think there are two open questions behind this proposal:

1. Is there anyone within the community who would be interested in creating
a design proposal or two and sharing them with the community?
2. Are there any ideas, opinions, and thoughts around what the design of
the site *should* be?

What does everyone think?



[1]: http://beam.incubator.apache.org

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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