
As for initializing from workers, this is actually the opposite of what's
discussed in
IMO Kafka metadata should be accessed once, before splitting, since this
metadata eventually determines the splitting (and for other reasons
mentioned in BEAM-704).
As for the "Driver/Launcher" program accessing Kafka, I guess it could run
on a worker, right ? I can only speak for Spark saying that when running on
YARN it can run in "cluster-mode" - running the driver program in a YARN
container as well.

On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 10:39 PM Raghu Angadi <>

> On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 1:43 PM, Amit Sela <> wrote:
> > >
> > > For generateInitialSplits, the UnboundedSource API doesn't require
> > > deterministic splitting (although it's recommended), and a
> PipelineRunner
> > > should keep track of the initially generated splits.
> > >
> > If the splitting were to be consistent, in such way that newly added
> > partitions would be assigned with a new "splitId" while existing ones
> would
> > still be assigned with the same (consistent) splitId, it could support
> > newly added partitions, no ?
> Yes, consistently assigning the partitions will let us do this. I wouldn't
> hash though, it would not distribute partitions evenly when the number of
> partitions is low (say 2 or 10, which is pretty common case). We can assign
> consistently even with a round-robin assignment. Current assignment would
> work, except when we are reading from multiple topics. We can update it to
> handle multiple topics better (assign each partitions for each topic
> independently).
> This strategy would still depend on strong guarantee on
> generateInitialSplits() interface where 'desiredNumSplits' stays same
> across updates.
> Please file a jira for adding support for handling change in Kafka
> partitions.
> In fact, KafkaIO should probably not fetch partitions info form inside
> generateIntialSplits() at all (sometimes Kafka cluster might not be
> accessible from where the job is launched from) and instead do all the
> initialization from the workers, even though it implies multiple fetches of
> Kafka metadata.

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