Just some notes really ...

On Jan 17, 2006, at 6:10 PM, David Wilson wrote:

To make this easily usable we need to modify (or make new versions) of The

I'm trying to find the source code for these, but not having much success yet.

I've been working more on my experiment porting citeproc to Ruby. I'm not much of a Ruby coder, but did get some help from an expert.

What I have now is two main classes: Reference and ReferenceList.

The Reference class just holds the data, and the ReferenceList class is where most of the work happens. It creates an array of references and processes them, so that creating a bibliography just ends up involving calling a single method; e.g. if you have a ReferenceList instance of "reference_list" then:


I've not hooked up CSL to it to configure the formatting, and may not have time to do that, but the basic idea, then, is to modularize the rest of the stuff: a CSL reader configures basic formatting, and then there are pieces to handle input/output.

As I mentioned elsewhere, I think there needs to be two further classes, and all of them need to be able to talk to each other: Citation and CitationList. I'd like to see how the current OOo code handles the "as cited" sort algorithm, because this is mostly for that case (e.g. to sort a reference list, you need to know the order of appearance of the citations).

In addition I think it makes sense to have a CitationStyle class. So the CSL reader noted above would just create an instance of this.

So in the end that leaves:

CitationList (this one may not be needed; not sure)

What I'd like to see is if any of the existing code can be reused, or if it makes more sense just to rewrite it all.

My hunch is that the hard part for this is just figuring out the logic of it all (as embodied, for example, in CSL), but that the actual coding problem isn't that great (for experienced coders, which is not me!). If I'm right, then rewriting is probably easier (?). When you get back, CPH, you might have some thoughts?

Just as an example, the most complicated code in the XSLT version of citeproc is the one that pre-processes the reference list to enable proper formatting of author-date citation styles. That method in Ruby looks like:

  def process_author_date
    # create an array to hold the processed objects
    processed = []
    grouped.keys.sort.each do |creator|
      by_creator = grouped[creator]
      first_by_creator = true
      year_suffix = "a"
      by_creator.keys.sort.each do |year|
        by_year = by_creator[year]
        first_by_year = true
        suffix = true if by_year.size > 1
        by_year.each_with_index do |ref, index|

          ref.bibparams[:first_by_creator] = first_by_creator

          # create year suffix value where relevant
          if suffix then
            ref.bibparams[:suffix] = year_suffix.dup

          first_by_creator = first_by_year = false

                # add enhanced reference object to new array
          processed << ref

    return processed

That basically takes a nested hash (where references are sorted, then grouped; first by author, then year) to create the enhanced output needed to correctly format the references.


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