I agree that test-driven development will help a lot here.

One starting point would be  tests that show you can load data into some object from the RDF serialization suggested by Bruce then re-serialize it back out. Trivial to implement at first, but needs to be there as more code gets built.

Bruce, you certainly have the skills to write unit tests that show how the objects should behave, and hope that others can help fill in the code. Ed - do you have test frameworks in mind for Python / Ruby? (I know there are a couple of options in Python - I've used py.test but not others)

On 1/30/06, Edward Summers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Jan 28, 2006, at 10:08 AM, Bruce D'Arcus wrote:
> On Jan 28, 2006, at 10:43 AM, Bruce D'Arcus wrote:
>> I really don't care whether it's Python or Ruby, since both are
>> object-oriented, and both are easy to read.
> At any rate, ultimately I'd like to see both citeproc-rb (think a
> module that could be included trivially in rails apps for example),
> AND citeproc-py (think integrating citation processing into, oh,
> textile processing). I don't care much how we get there though ;-)
> Also, obviously c++ or obj-c would be good, but it seems like the
> dynamic languages would be better for quick coding, and code that
> can be a good blue-print for other implementations.

Bruce, I'm interested in helping out with this. I'm pretty familiar
with both ruby and python but I don't have a good grasp on what
exactly you want to do. Assuming the library existed could you flesh
out how it would be used programatically? This is how test-driven-
development often is of great help because it forces you to think
about the API you are building before you actually build it :-)


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