argh, like crossposting would work with our news server...

hope this one will reach xml-dev...

-------- Original Message --------
From: - Mon Mar 17 16:36:09 2008

[X-posted to xml-dev & bibliographic-dev;
 please send reply to interface-discuss]

hello interface-discuss!

i am currently designing an API that would be used for implementing the
ODF metadata specification (part of ODF 1.2) [1].
this spec (and, consequently, this API) allows for attaching meta data in
RDF (Resource Description Framework [2]) to ODF packages, and to ODF
content elements.
so i would be especially interested in input from people who would like to
use ODF metadata: does this API do what you need?


until now, i have tried to only put in stuff that i think is really
necessary. so this API is, in some sense, rather minimalistic.
a major missing feature would be inference based on schemas, whether RDFS
or OWL, but i am not sure whether we really need that?

another missing feature would be support for transactions. that would
depend on the backend anyway, and would be optional.

also, note that this stuff does not pass idlc yet...
oh, and please refrain from telling me i need to split this up into
multiple files, i _know_ that.

for some interfaces i cannot seem to come up with a name that i like.
i believe naming things adequately is important for usability of the API.
if someone can suggest a better name, i would be happy.
note that points for which input is especially valued are conveniently
marked with FIXME :)

i've dumped the draft API on the OOo wiki:

michael stahl

"Name ist Schall und Rauch."
 -- Johann Wolfgang Goethe, "Faust: Der Tragödie erster Teil" (3457)

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