Thanks to Kengo for leading the release process, and all the contributors
to make this happen!

Kengo Seki <> 于2020年12月16日周三 下午9:01写道:

> On behalf of the Apache Bigtop team, I'd love to announce the general
> availability of the Bigtop 1.5.0 release.
> The release is available here:
> A few highlights of this release include:
>   * Four different Linux distributions are newly supported: CentOS 8,
> Debian 10, Fedora 31, and Ubuntu 18.04
>   * Bigtop Mpack is added as a new feature, that enables users to
> deploy Bigtop components via Apache Ambari
>   * Livy and ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) are newly
> added as components
>   * Many component upgrades, e.g., Hadoop 2.10.1, Spark 2.4.5, HBase
> 1.5.0, Hive 2.3.6, Kafka 2.4.0, Zeppelin 0.8.2
> With Bigtop 1.5.0 the community continues to deliver the most advanced
> big data stack to date. More details about 1.5.0 release are here:
> Deploying Bigtop is easy: grab the repo/list file for your favorite
> Linux distribution:
> and you'll be running your very own bigdata cluster in no time!
> We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to
> report problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at:
> Lastly, I want to emphasize that this is a collaborative work done by
> project contributors and other communities,
> who continue to devote time to make Bigtop a better software. Thank
> you all for making this release possible!
> Regards,
> Kengo Seki, Bigtop 1.5.0 Release Manager

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