On 03/10/16 19:46, Dammina Sahabandu wrote:
Hi Devs,

To provide a better user experience I propose to use icons from Font
Awesome icon library [1]. At the moment Apache Bloodhound utilize the
limited set of icons provided by Bootstrap glyphicons. However Font Awesome
provide a wider range of icons that we can effectively utilize and make the
UI better.

Font Awesome library is licensed under MIT license [2]. Therefore I don't
think there are any legal barriers. And I hope it will be a cool UX
improvement for the next release of the project. Please share your view on

[1] http://fontawesome.io/icons/ <http://fontawesome.io/>
[2] http://fontawesome.io/license/


Sounds good to me - obviously the normal things apply about ensuring that we acknowledge in appropriate places (the NOTICE file I believe) that this component is included and under which license. There may also be changes required in the .rat-ignore file but we can work that out later.


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