Interesting points, Aled.

I thought about this, and I'm not sure about the handlers part, but would
be willing to be convinced further. In the meantime, as an experiment, I
decided to make the JcloudsLocationCustomizer an EntityInitializer as well.
This means we can write a customizer that installs packages, and then just
reference it in the `brooklyn.initializers` section. See the pull request


This could easily be updated to be referenced in a different section of the
YAML later, so it is useful for comment just now, I think.


On Tue, 24 May 2016 at 10:37 Aled Sage <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> TL;DR: how about the following, where there is a "handler" registered to
> process the brooklyn.packages section?
>     - type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.basic.VanillaSoftwareProcess
>        brooklyn.packages:
>          yum: curl
>          apt: curl-whatever=2.3.4
> Or is this over engineering?!
> ---
> To me, the "brooklyn.initializers" and the
> "org.apache.brooklyn.initializer.stock.PackageInstaller" are
> implementation details that a YAML blueprint author would never want to
> type.
> I also agree that we don't want "packages" as a config key: as Duncan
> Grant described, that moves VanillaSoftwareProcess towards being a "god
> object" with more and more config on that class.
> ---
> I think there is an alternative where we add first-class support for
> more things in YAML. For example, we should get rid of the need for
> "brooklyn.initializers" when defining sensors, effectors and feeds - we
> should be able to have a section "brooklyn.sensors:".
> The same could apply for packages.
> However, "packages" are not a first-class concept in Brooklyn (unlike
> sensors, effectors, etc).
> ---
> To take a step back...
> The use of "brooklyn.initializers" is to declare mixins [1]. The entries
> under brooklyn.initializers are the types + config of each mixin. This
> gives a very direct translation from YAML to the underlying Java api.
> Instead, one could register a handler for a given YAML key (of the form
> ""). This would apply only to top-level entries against an
> entity, policy, enricher, etc (e.g. not when embedded inside a
> brooklyn.config section). Under-the-covers, the handler would return
> something of type EntityInitializer (or equivalent for
> policy/enricher/location). Or perhaps it could even act directly on the
> EntitySpec that is being created.
> ---
> When implementing this, we'd separate it into a number of parts:
>   * Implement Andrew's
>     org.apache.brooklyn.initializer.stock.PackageInstaller
>   * Add support for registering yaml "handlers"
>   * Register a yaml handler for "brooklyn.packages", which instantiates
>     Andrew's PackageInstaller.
> ---
> I also worry that for installing packages, things are often more
> complicated than these simple use-cases. For example, when installing
> Docker on CentOS7, you may first need to populate the file
> /etc/yum.repos.d/docker.repo [2]. Or you may need more complicated
> install commands, such as first executing yum upgrade ca-certificates
> --disablerepo=epel [3].
> The ordering of executing `brooklyn.packages` (compared to other
> commands on VanillaSoftwareProcess) would not be obvious to a blueprint
> author.
> For some use-cases, a bash script becomes easier to write and test,
> rather than trying to support all these variations.
> However, making simple cases simpler is a good thing.
> ---
> Thoughts?
> Aled
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> On 24/05/2016 09:57, Thomas Bouron wrote:
> > I quite like Andrew's approach using an initializer, feels elegant and
> > relatively easy to implement.
> >
> > Regarding the syntax, getting a rid of the `brooklyn.initializer` and
> > `type` is good for a discoverability point of view but that means going
> > through a config key which feels wrong in that case. I don't have an
> > argument for it, it's more a gut feeling.
> >
> > On Tue, 24 May 2016 at 09:37 John McCabe <> wrote:
> >
> >> Is there any way we could get rid of the initializers/type parts, rather
> >> than:
> >>
> >> - type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.basic.VanillaSoftwareProcess
> >>    brooklyn.initializers:
> >>    - type: org.apache.brooklyn.initializer.stock.PackageInstaller
> >>      packages:
> >>        yum: curl
> >>        apt: curl-whatever=2.3.4
> >>
> >> Something like:
> >>
> >> - type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.basic.VanillaSoftwareProcess
> >>    packages:
> >>      yum: curl
> >>      apt: curl-whatever=2.3.4
> >>
> >>
> >> On Tue, 24 May 2016 at 09:34 Duncan Grant <
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Andrew,
> >>>
> >>> good point.  That's much neater.  Should be pretty straightforward to
> >>> implement as well.
> >>>
> >>> Duncan
> >>>
> >>> On Mon, 23 May 2016 at 21:16 Andrew Kennedy <
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Duncan,
> >>>>
> >>>> I like the idea here, of having some extra object that does the
> package
> >>>> installation, but what about a customizer or initializer instead? You
> >>> could
> >>>> have something like this:
> >>>>
> >>>> - type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.basic.VanillaSoftwareProcess
> >>>>    brooklyn.initializers:
> >>>>    - type: org.apache.brooklyn.initializer.stock.PackageInstaller
> >>>>      packages:
> >>>>        yum: curl
> >>>>        apt: curl-whatever=2.3.4
> >>>>
> >>>> I initially thought of a JcloudsLocationCustomizer but that fails when
> >> we
> >>>> use BYON locations, so I am thinking of something more like a generic
> >>>> entity customizer that runs after the entity has been created, and the
> >>>> location is available and SSHable. There are lots of other things
> these
> >>>> initializers could do, like setting up users, configuring networking,
> >>>> mounting volumes and so on. I don't think its a big stretch to add
> this
> >>>> functionality here.
> >>>>
> >>>> Andrew.
> >>>>
> >>>> On Fri, 6 May 2016 at 14:40 Duncan Grant <
> >>
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> I agree that this is a problem that needs solved but I have
> >> misgivings
> >>>>> about each of the proposed solutions.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Firstly I think that "discovering" how to write brooklyn yaml can be
> >>>>> difficult.  It can be difficult to find things in the documentation
> >> and
> >>>> if
> >>>>> you don't know to look for them in the first place then your only
> >> hope
> >>> is
> >>>>> coming across an example.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> So if we pre-install a set of bash scripts before running the install
> >>>>> scripts I don't see any obvious way for someone using brooklyn to
> >> find
> >>>> out
> >>>>> about those scripts, and when the scripts change I imagine people
> >> won't
> >>>>> notice the new functionality either.
> >>>>> Another downside to using scripts is that it will become more
> >> difficult
> >>>> to
> >>>>> debug script failures.  At the moment I can copy the contents of
> >> stdin
> >>>> and
> >>>>> see the error associated.  If I had to step into scripts in other
> >> files
> >>>> it
> >>>>> could become much harder to find a failure.  In my opinion this ease
> >> of
> >>>>> reproducibility and seeing the code I am running is one of the
> >>> advantages
> >>>>> of using bash over just using chef/puppet/salt/etc.
> >>>>> If we could find a widely used, well tested bash library then some of
> >>>> these
> >>>>> issues might be mitigated but I've yet to find one.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> There is a similar issue with discovering the behaviour of the DSL
> >>>> option.
> >>>>> I think that the DSL only works because we keep it to a minimum and
> >>>> really
> >>>>> it only does one task - which is run-time configuring relationships
> >>>> between
> >>>>> entities.  If we extend it then we have replaced java with dsl and I
> >>>> don't
> >>>>> think that benefits anyone.  One advantage of the DSL option is that
> >> it
> >>>>> will generate bash so it shouldn't make debugging any harder.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The advantage of adding config options to the VanillaSoftwareProcess
> >> is
> >>>>> that it adds to extra ways of discovering the behaviour - through the
> >>>>> composer's autocomplete and in javadoc.  I assume that this would
> >>>> generate
> >>>>> extra tasks so we could again debug the bash used and it might make
> >> it
> >>>>> easier as we might be able to see exactly which package failed to
> >>>> install.
> >>>>> However the big downside to this is that we are starting to make a
> >> sort
> >>>> of
> >>>>> god object which contains all brooklyn functionality in one object -
> >>> i.e.
> >>>>> VanilllaSoftwareProcess and I'm not sure that's where we want to go.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> After all that I don't really have a good answer.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> My not too good answer would be to make more use of the brooklyn
> >> child
> >>>>> relationship so that a) at least the yaml could be composed from
> >> small
> >>>>> pieces of code b) we could write a InstallPackage entity to simplify
> >>> the
> >>>>> yaml.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> This might look something like:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> - type: brooklyn.entity.basic.VanillaSoftwareProcess
> >>>>>    install.command: curl somefile > somfile.txt
> >>>>>    brooklyn.config:
> >>>>>      children.startable.mode: foreground_early
> >>>>>    brooklyn.children:
> >>>>>    - type: brooklyn.entity.basic.VanillaSoftwareProcess
> >>>>>      install.command: |
> >>>>>          which curl || \
> >>>>>              { sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install curl ; }
> >> || \
> >>>>>              { sudo yum update && sudo yum install curl ; } || \
> >>>>>              { echo WARNING: cannot install curl && exit 1 ; }
> >>>>> or
> >>>>>    - type: brooklyn.entity.basic.InstallPackage
> >>>>>      package: curl
> >>>>> or
> >>>>>    - type: brooklyn.entity.basic.InstallPackage
> >>>>>      packages:
> >>>>>        yum: curl
> >>>>>        apt: someOtherCurl
> >>>>>
> >>>>> This way everything is discoverable through documentation, javadoc,
> >> and
> >>>>> autocomplete.  Common requirements like curl are re-usable. Generated
> >>>> bash
> >>>>> is explicit and if curl fails then it will go on fire.
> >>>>> On the other hand it requires longer yaml, isn't as readable, and due
> >>> to
> >>>>> the use of child parent relationships has a bit of a learning hurdle
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Regards
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Duncan
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On Wed, 4 May 2016 at 17:35 Thomas Bouron <
> >>>>
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Hi Guglielmo.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I'm not sure to follow your idea of "stacks", could you elaborate
> >> on
> >>>> that
> >>>>>> please?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Best.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> On Tue, 3 May 2016, 13:38 Guglielmo Nigri, <
> >>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> I propose a declarative approach. For example we could add a
> >>>> configKey
> >>>>> to
> >>>>>>> VanillaSoftwareProcess called requiredPackages.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> This way, one could just specify the prerequisite packages, sort
> >> of
> >>>>>>> dependencies for the software process -- this would also open up
> >>>>>>> interesting possibilities such as “stacks” as bundled
> >> dependencies.
> >>>>>>> A declarative approach would also work for Windows (or non-bash
> >>>>>>> environments).
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Cheers,
> >>>>>>> Guglielmo
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> On 3 May 2016 at 14:28, Andrea Turli <
> >>>
> >>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Great discussion guys!
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> It seems that it is a shared need, and I wanted to discuss with
> >>> you
> >>>>> as
> >>>>>> I
> >>>>>>>> was not sure about my approach.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Andrew,
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> I like your proposal, thanks!
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Thanks,
> >>>>>>>> Andrea
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> On 3 May 2016 at 13:05, Aled Sage <> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> I lean towards Andrew's approach, rather than a special
> >>>>>>>>> $brooklyn.installPackage. Note that different distros use
> >>>> different
> >>>>>>>> package
> >>>>>>>>> names sometimes, so the parameters to such a function can get
> >>>>>> annoying.
> >>>>>>>>> I've been hesitant about us going down the road of
> >>>>>>> ``
> >>>>>>>>> for achieving portable blueprints. It feels like we are
> >>>> increasing
> >>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>> overlap with things like Chef, Salt, Ansible and Puppet
> >> (which
> >>> we
> >>>>> can
> >>>>>>>> build
> >>>>>>>>> on top of with Brooklyn).
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> However, if we keep small and focused,
> >>> then
> >>>>>> maybe
> >>>>>>>>> it's a good idea.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Aled
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> p.s. I want to decrease the use of
> >>>>>> `BashCommands.installExecutable()`.
> >>>>>>>> The
> >>>>>>>>> bash command it generates, with all the alternatives and
> >>>>> parentheses,
> >>>>>>>> does
> >>>>>>>>> not look like nice Bash. A could do it
> >>> much
> >>>>>>> cleaner,
> >>>>>>>>> with a properly structured multi-line if...elif... (or
> >>> whatever).
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> On 03/05/2016 11:43, Andrew Kennedy wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> How about an alternative approach - for all SoftwareProcess
> >>>>>> entities,
> >>>>>>>>>> Brooklyn will copy over a script file called
> >>>>> ``
> >>>>>>> and
> >>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>> entity commands will soutce this script before running the
> >>> rest
> >>>> of
> >>>>>>> their
> >>>>>>>>>> configured commands. The script will contain OS agnostic
> >>>> functions
> >>>>>>>> written
> >>>>>>>>>> in Bash that do things like install packages, download Curl,
> >>>> get a
> >>>>>>> file
> >>>>>>>>>> from a URL etc. Then, the install config might look like
> >> this:
> >>>>>>>>>> ```
> >>>>>>>>>> install.commands: |
> >>>>>>>>>>     brooklyn-installPackages apt:openjdk-1.8.0
> >>>>>>>> yum:java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel
> >>>>>>>>>> java-1.8.0
> >>>>>>>>>>     brooklyn-installPackages curl
> >>>>>>>>>>     brooklyn-runAsRoot cp /tmp/whatever /etc/hosts
> >>>>>>>>>> ```
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Andrew.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 3 May 2016 at 11:24 Andrea Turli <
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> hi,
> >>>>>>>>>>> I’ve been thinking about an utility to simplify the YAML
> >>>>> blueprint
> >>>>>>>>>>> creation: from my experience when using
> >>> VanillaSoftwareProcess
> >>>> is
> >>>>>>>>>>> annoying
> >>>>>>>>>>> to write a portable script just to install a package (say,
> >>>> java)
> >>>>>>> valid
> >>>>>>>>>>> for
> >>>>>>>>>>> apt, yum, etc so I usually write it (multiple times) just
> >> for
> >>>> an
> >>>>>> OS.
> >>>>>>>>>>> To increase the portability of the YAML blueprint I’d like
> >> to
> >>>>>> suggest
> >>>>>>>> we
> >>>>>>>>>>> extend the brooklyn DSL with something like:
> >>>>>>>>>>> ```
> >>>>>>>>>>> $brooklyn.installPackage(“curl”)
> >>>>>>>>>>> $brooklyn:installPackage({"apt", "openjdk-1.8.0", "yum",
> >>>>>>>>>>> "java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel"}, "java-1.8.0")
> >>>>>>>>>>> ```
> >>>>>>>>>>> instead of things like
> >>>>>>>>>>> ```
> >>>>>>>>>>> which curl || \
> >>>>>>>>>>>           { sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install curl
> >>> ; }
> >>>>> ||
> >>>>>> \
> >>>>>>>>>>>           { sudo yum update && sudo yum install curl ; } ||
> >> \
> >>>>>>>>>>>           { echo WARNING: cannot install curl && exit 1 ; }
> >>>>>>>>>>> ```
> >>>>>>>>>>> I’m not entirely sure this feature fits well on the DSL.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Alternatively, we could add a configKey to
> >>>> VanillaSoftwareProcess
> >>>>>>>> called
> >>>>>>>>>>> requiredPackages for a more declarative approach
> >>> (@googlielmo's
> >>>>>> idea)
> >>>>>>>>>>> Wdyt?
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>> --
> >>>>>> Thomas Bouron • Software Engineer @ Cloudsoft Corporation •
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Github:
> >>>>>> Twitter:
> >>>>>>
> >>>> --
> >>>>
> >>>> Andrew Kennedy ; Founder project ; @grkvlt ; Cloudsoft
> >>>>
> --

Andrew Kennedy ; Founder project ; @grkvlt ; Cloudsoft

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