Hi Graham,

the Brooklyn location for SL you are using in your blueprint looks good to
me, so from the Brooklyn perspective that is fine.

With my jclouds hat on I'd ask you instead if you have seen
http://jclouds.apache.org/guides/softlayer/ and if your SL account can
actually "see" that private image.

Please cross-post your issue in the jclouds mailing list, specifying the
version you are using and some stacktraces if possible.


Il 01/ago/2017 15:01, "Graham Ashby" <graham.as...@ca.ibm.com> ha scritto:

I'm trying to provision a Softlayer instance from a private image.
I specify the guid in the imageId, but what appears to be happening is
that it gets the underlying template for the visual instance, then uses
that, instead of the image.
I removed the hardwareId from the spec, since the Python softlayer API
doesn't like this and the image.

I'm not sure if this is the place to ask, or is it a JCloud issue?  There
were a couple of issues in JCloud a few years ago related to private
images, but they were fixed.
I'm wondering if there is something else I need to use in my

My spec is:

      type: jclouds:softlayer
        region: mon01
        identity: ashbyg
        credential: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
        displayName: graham-image
#        hardwareId: "cpu=4,memory=32768,disk=100,type=LOCAL"
        imageId: 6f518295-fa79-4517-8a97-8220bb86ed83
        keyPair: ashbyg-ssh
        keyPairName: ashbyg-ssh
        loginUser: root
        privateKeyFile: /opt/brooklyn/ca-1/openstack-gsa-gen.pem
        loginuser.privateKeyFile: /opt/brooklyn/ca-1/openstack-gsa-gen.pem
        privateNetworkOnly: true
        useJcloudsSshInit: false
          domainName: bi.ibmcloud.com
          hourlyBillingFlag: true
          privateNetworkOnlyFlag: true

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