Github user aledsage commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
policy/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/policy/ha/ ---
    @@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
    + * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
    + * distributed with this work for additional information
    + * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
    + * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
    + * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
    + * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    + *
    + *
    + *
    + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
    + * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
    + * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
    + * specific language governing permissions and limitations
    + * under the License.
    + */
    +package org.apache.brooklyn.policy.ha;
    +import java.util.Collections;
    +import java.util.List;
    +import java.util.Map;
    +import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
    +import org.apache.brooklyn.api.effector.Effector;
    +import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.Entity;
    +import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.EntityInitializer;
    +import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.Group;
    +import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.Task;
    +import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.ConfigKeys;
    +import org.apache.brooklyn.core.effector.EffectorBody;
    +import org.apache.brooklyn.core.effector.Effectors;
    +import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.Attributes;
    +import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.Entities;
    +import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.EntityInternal;
    +import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.lifecycle.Lifecycle;
    +import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.lifecycle.ServiceStateLogic;
    +import org.apache.brooklyn.core.sensor.Sensors;
    +import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableList;
    +import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableMap;
    +import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.config.ConfigBag;
    +import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.DynamicTasks;
    +import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.Tasks;
    +import org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.Exceptions;
    +import org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.UserFacingException;
    +import org.apache.brooklyn.util.time.Duration;
    +import org.apache.brooklyn.util.time.Time;
    +import org.slf4j.Logger;
    +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
    +This effector will scan candidates among children or members to determine 
which should be noted as "primary".  
    +The primary is selected from service-up candidates based on a numeric 
weight as a sensor or config on the candidates 
    +(`ha.primary.weight`, unless overridden), with higher weights being 
    +In the case of ties, or a new candidate emerging with a weight higher than 
a current healthy primary, 
    +behaviour can be configured with `primary.selection.mode`.
    +Returns a map containing a message, newPrimary, oldPrimary, and a {@link 
ResultCode} code.
    +public class ElectPrimaryEffector implements EntityInitializer, 
ElectPrimaryConfig {
    +    private static final Logger log = 
    +    public static enum ResultCode { PRIMARY_UNCHANGED, 
    +    public static final Effector<Object> EFFECTOR = 
Effectors.effector(Object.class, "electPrimary").
    +        description("Scan to detect whether there is or should be a new 
    +    private final ConfigBag paramsCreationTime;
    +    public ElectPrimaryEffector(ConfigBag params) {
    +        this.paramsCreationTime = params;
    +    }
    +    public ElectPrimaryEffector(Map<String,String> params) {
    +        this(ConfigBag.newInstance(params));
    +    }
    +    // wire up the entity to call the task factory to create the task on 
    +    @Override
    +    public void apply(@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") 
org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.EntityLocal entity) {
    +    }
    +    public static Effector<Object> makeEffector(ConfigBag params) {
    +        return Effectors.effector(EFFECTOR).impl(new 
EffectorBodyTaskFactory<Object>(new ElectPrimaryEffectorBody(params))).build();
    +    }
    +    protected static class ElectPrimaryEffectorBody extends 
EffectorBody<Object> {
    +        private final ConfigBag paramsCreationTime;
    +        public ElectPrimaryEffectorBody(ConfigBag paramsCreationTime) {
    +            this.paramsCreationTime = paramsCreationTime;
    +        }
    +        // these are the actual tasks we do
    +        @Override
    +        public Object call(ConfigBag paramsInvocationTime) {
    +            ConfigBag params = 
    +            try {
    +                Entity newPrimary = DynamicTasks.queue("check primaries", 
new CheckPrimaries(params)).getUnchecked();
    +                Entity currentActive = getCurrentActive(params);
    +                if (newPrimary==null) {
    +//                    If no primary can be found, the effector will:
    +//                        * add a "primary-election" problem so that 
service state logic, if applicable, will know that the entity is unhealthy
    +//                        * set service up false
    +//                        * if the local entity is expected to be RUNNING, 
it will set actual state to ON_FIRE
    +//                        * if the local entity has no expectation, it 
will set actual state to STOPPED
    +//                        * demote any old primary
    +                    ServiceProblemsLogic.updateProblemsIndicator(entity(), 
"primary", "No primary could be found");
    +                    entity().sensors().set(Sensors.newSensor(Entity.class, 
params.get(PRIMARY_SENSOR_NAME)), null);
    +                    entity().sensors().set(Attributes.SERVICE_UP, false);
    +                    if (Lifecycle.RUNNING.equals( 
entity().getAttribute(Attributes.SERVICE_STATE_EXPECTED) )) {
entity().sensors().set(Attributes.SERVICE_STATE_ACTUAL, Lifecycle.ON_FIRE);
    +                    } else {
entity().sensors().set(Attributes.SERVICE_STATE_ACTUAL, Lifecycle.STOPPED);
    +                    }
    +                    DynamicTasks.queue(Tasks.create("demote 
"+currentActive, new Demote(params)) ).getUnchecked();                
    +                    return MutableMap.of("code", 
ResultCode.NO_PRIMARY_AVAILABLE, "message", "No primary available", "primary", 
    +                }
    +                if (newPrimary.equals(currentActive)) {
    +                    // If there is a primary and it is unchanged, the 
effector will end.
    +                    return MutableMap.of("code", 
ResultCode.PRIMARY_UNCHANGED, "message", "No change required", "primary", 
    +                }
    +      "Detected new primary "+newPrimary+" at 
"+entity()+" (previously had "+currentActive+")");
    +//                If a new primary is detected, the effector will:
    +//                    * set the local entity to the STARTING state
    +//                    * clear any "primary-election" problem
    +//                    * publish the new primary in a sensor called 
`primary` (or the sensor set in ``)
    +//                    * cancel any other ongoing promote calls, and if 
there is an ongoing demote call on the entity being promoted, cancel that also
    +//                    * in parallel
    +//                        * invoke `promote` (or the effector called 
``) on the local entity or the entity being 
    +//                        * invoke `demote` (or the effector called 
``) on the local entity or the entity being 
demoted, if an entity is being demoted
    +//                    * set service up true
    +//                    * set the local entity to the RUNNING state
    +                boolean wasRunning = 
entity().sensors().get(Attributes.SERVICE_STATE_ACTUAL) == Lifecycle.RUNNING;
    +                if (wasRunning) {
    +                    log.debug("Transititioning "+entity()+" to starting 
while promoting/demoting");
    +                    ServiceStateLogic.setExpectedState(entity(), 
    +                }
    +                ServiceProblemsLogic.clearProblemsIndicator(entity(), 
    +                entity().sensors().set(Sensors.newSensor(Entity.class, 
params.get(PRIMARY_SENSOR_NAME)), newPrimary);
    +                try {
    +                    // TODO cancel other promote/demote calls
    +                    promoteAndDemote(params, currentActive, newPrimary);
    +                    log.debug("Promoted/demoted primary for "+entity()+", 
now setting service up "+(wasRunning ? "and running" : "(but not setting as 
'running' because it wasn't 'running' before)"));
    +                    entity().sensors().set(Attributes.SERVICE_UP, true);
    +                    if (wasRunning) 
ServiceStateLogic.setExpectedState(entity(), Lifecycle.RUNNING);
    +                } catch (Exception e) {
    +                    Exceptions.propagateIfFatal(e);
    +                    log.debug("Error promoting/demoting primary for 
"+entity()+" (rethrowing): "+e);
    +                    ServiceProblemsLogic.updateProblemsIndicator(entity(), 
"primary", e);
    +                    Exceptions.propagate(e);
    +                }
    +                return MutableMap.of("code", 
ResultCode.NEW_PRIMARY_ELECTED, "message", "New primary found", "primary", 
    +            } catch (Exception e) {
    +                Exceptions.propagateIfFatal(e);
    +                if (Entities.isNoLongerManaged(entity())) {
    +                    // ignore errors if shutting down
    +                    return "<no-longer-managed>";
    +                }
    +                Lifecycle expected = 
    +                if (expected==Lifecycle.RUNNING || 
expected==Lifecycle.STARTING) {
    +                    // including SelectionModeStrictFailed
    +                    log.warn("Error electing new primary at "+entity()+": 
    +                    ServiceProblemsLogic.updateProblemsIndicator(entity(), 
"primary", "Error electing primary: "+
    +                        Exceptions.collapseText(e));
entity().sensors().set(Attributes.SERVICE_STATE_ACTUAL, Lifecycle.ON_FIRE);
    +                    throw Exceptions.propagateAnnotated("Error electing 
primary (when "+expected.toString().toLowerCase()+")", e);
    +                }
    +                throw Exceptions.propagateAnnotated("Error electing 
primary (when not starting/running)", e);
    +            }
    +        }
    +        @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
    +        protected void promoteAndDemote(ConfigBag params, Entity 
oldPrimary, Entity newPrimary) {
    +            params.configureStringKey("oldPrimary", oldPrimary);
    +            params.configureStringKey("newPrimary", newPrimary);
    +            MutableList<Task> tasks = MutableList.<Task>of();
    +            if (newPrimary!=null) tasks.append(Tasks.create("promote 
"+newPrimary, new Promote(params)));
    +            else tasks.append(Tasks.warning("No new primary; nothing to 
promote", null, false));
    +            if (oldPrimary!=null) tasks.append(Tasks.create("demote 
"+oldPrimary, new Demote(params)));
    +            else tasks.append(Tasks.warning("No old primary; nothing to 
demote", null, false));
    +            log.debug("Running "+tasks);
    +            List<?> result = 
DynamicTasks.queue(Tasks.parallel("promote/demote", (List<Task<?>>)(List) 
    +            log.debug("Ran "+tasks+", results: "+result);
    +        }
    +        private Entity getCurrentActive(ConfigBag params) {
    +            return entity().getAttribute(Sensors.newSensor(Entity.class, 
    +        }
    +        protected class CheckPrimaries implements Callable<Entity> {
    +            final ConfigBag params;
    +            public CheckPrimaries(ConfigBag params) { this.params = 
params; }
    +            @Override
    +            public Entity call() throws Exception {
    +                Stopwatch elapsedTime = Stopwatch.createStarted();
    +                boolean extendedForNonViableRunning = false;
    +                outer: while (true) {
    +                    TargetMode target = params.get(TARGET_MODE);
    +                    Iterable<Entity> candidates = 
    +                        target==TargetMode.CHILDREN ? 
entity().getChildren() :
    +                            target==TargetMode.MEMBERS ? 
((Group)entity()).getMembers() :
    +                                // auto - prefer members
    +                                entity() instanceof Group ? 
((Group)entity()).getMembers() : entity().getChildren();
    +                    SelectionMode mode = params.get(SELECTION_MODE);
    +                    Entity currentActive = getCurrentActive(params);
    +                    if (mode==SelectionMode.FAILOVER && 
currentActive!=null && Iterables.contains(candidates, currentActive) && 
isViable(currentActive)) {
    +                        return currentActive;
    +                    }
    +                    // find best live and/or time to wait
    +                    Duration delayForBest = Duration.ZERO;
    +                    Duration period = Duration.millis(10);
    +                    if (candidates.iterator().hasNext()) {
    +                        List<WeightedEntity> weightedEntities = 
    +                        for (Entity candidate: candidates) {
    +                            weightedEntities.add(new 
    +                        }
    +                        Collections.sort(weightedEntities);
    +                        WeightedEntity anyBestTheoreticalW = 
    +                        WeightedEntity bestLive = null;
    +                        for (WeightedEntity w: weightedEntities) {
    +                            if (w.score < -0.00001) {
    +                                // this is disallowed, as are all following
    +                                break;
    +                            }
    +                            if (Math.abs(anyBestTheoreticalW.score - 
w.score) >= 0.0000000001) {
    +                                if (bestLive==null && 
!delayForBest.isLongerThan(elapsedTime)) {
    +                                    // no viable highest-score and can't 
wait any longer;
    +                                    // take the next highest that we find
    +                                    if (isViable(w.entity)) {
    +                                        log.debug("Theoretical best 
primary at "+entity()+" ("+anyBestTheoreticalW+", maybe others) not available, 
using next best: "+w);
    +                                        return w.entity;
    +                                    } else {
    +                                        continue;
    +                                    }
    +                                } else {
    +                                    // don't bother looking at non-highest 
scoring nodes, we know what to do
    +                                    break;
    +                                }
    +                            }
    +                            // examining the highest scoring ones
    +                            if (isViable(w.entity)) {
    +                                log.debug("Viable best primary at 
"+entity()+" detected: "+w);
    +                                if (bestLive==null) {
    +                                    bestLive = w;
    +                                } else if (mode==SelectionMode.STRICT) {
    +                                    // in strict mode, should only have 
one node with the best score,
    +                                    // so this is a failure. we might want 
to allow some grace if a
    +                                    // method is promoting a new one by 
changing (non-atomically) which
    +                                    // single entity has a weight 1 where 
others are 0.
    +                                    // but preferred way to avoid that is 
to increment weight at new primary instead.
    +                                    throw new 
SelectionModeStrictFailed(w.entity, bestLive.entity, bestLive.score);
    +                                } else if (w.entity.equals(currentActive)) 
    +                                    // always prefer current active if it 
is best
    +                                    // (safe to bail out here but we won't 
    +                                    bestLive = w;
    +                                } else {
    +                                    // two equally good bests, neither 
current active
    +                                    // could prefer either but go with the 
first (no-op here) 
    +                                }
    +                            } else {
    +                                // this best not viable - determine why 
and how long to wait
    +                                Lifecycle state = 
    +                                log.debug("Theoretical best primary at 
"+entity()+": "+w.entity+" "+state+" (not viable); may re-check");
    +                                if (state==Lifecycle.STARTING) {
    +                                    delayForBest = 
Duration.max(delayForBest, entity().config().get(BEST_STARTING_WAIT_TIMEOUT));
    +                                } else if (state==Lifecycle.RUNNING) {
    +                                    // running, not on fire, but not 
viable - either a race (has just become viable)
    +                                    // or a coding error (caller did not 
set "up" correctly); give extra 5s if we haven't already
    +                                    if (!extendedForNonViableRunning) {
    +                                        delayForBest = 
    +                                        extendedForNonViableRunning = true;
    +                                    }
    +                                } else {
    +                                    delayForBest = 
Duration.max(delayForBest, entity().config().get(BEST_WAIT_TIMEOUT));
    +                                }
    +                            }
    +                        }
    +                        // finished looking at all nodes, or all 
theoretical bests and found one
    +                        if (bestLive!=null) {
    +                            // found a best live (preferring current if 
    +                            // but doesn't wait for current)
    +                            return bestLive.entity;
    +                        }
    +                    } else {
    +                        delayForBest = 
    +                    }
    +                    Duration delay = 
    +                    if (delay.isPositive()) {
    +                        delay = Duration.min(delay, period);
    +                        period = Duration.min(Duration.ONE_SECOND, 
    +                        log.debug("Delaying "+delay+" ("+delayForBest+" 
allowed, "+Duration.of(elapsedTime)+" elapsed) then rechecking for best primary 
at "+entity());
    +                        // there was a theoretical best that wasn't started
    +                        Time.sleep(delay);
    +                        continue outer;
    +                    }
    +                    // none viable or worth waiting for
    +                    return null;
    +                }
    +            }
    +            private class WeightedEntity implements 
Comparable<WeightedEntity> {
    +                public final Entity entity;
    +                public final double score;
    +                public WeightedEntity(Entity candidate) {
    +                    this.entity = candidate;
    +                    this.score = score(candidate);
    +                }
    +                @Override
    +                public int compareTo(WeightedEntity o) {
    +                    double v = o.score - this.score;
    +                    return (v > 0.00000001 ? 1 : v<-0.00000001 ? -1 : 0);
    +                }
    +                @Override
    +                public String toString() {
    +                    return entity+":"+score;
    +                }
    +            }
    +            protected boolean isViable(Entity candidate) {
    +                if (!Lifecycle.RUNNING.equals( 
candidate.getAttribute(Attributes.SERVICE_STATE_ACTUAL) )) return false;
    +                if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals( 
candidate.getAttribute(Attributes.SERVICE_UP) )) return false;
    +                if (score(candidate) <= -0.000000001) return false;
    +                return true;
    +            }
    +            private double score(Entity candidate) {
    +                Double s = 
    +                if (s!=null) return s;
    +                s = 
    +                if (s!=null) return s;
    +                return 0;
    +            }
    +        }
    +        protected class Promote implements Callable<Object> {
    +            final ConfigBag params;
    +            public Promote(ConfigBag params) { this.params = params; }
    +            @Override
    +            public Object call() throws Exception {
    +                String promoteEffectorName = 
    +                Effector<?> eff = 
    +                if (eff!=null) {
    +                    return DynamicTasks.queue( 
Effectors.invocation(entity(), eff, params) ).asTask().getUnchecked();
    +                }
    +                EntityInternal newPrimary = 
    +                if (newPrimary==null) {
    +                    return "Nothing to demote; no new primary";
    --- End diff --
    Should be `Nothing to promote; no new primary`


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