Hi all,

The Apache Brooklyn master build [1] has failed the last couple of times for the Go build of brooklyn-client (see end of email for the error text).

It looks to me like our dependency github.com/NodePrime/jsonpath has been deleted! It definitely used to be there (lots of google hits pointing at that [2]), but 404 when visiting the page.

The build presumably only works for me locally because I have it cached locally:

   [exec] [INFO]      Downloading dependencies. Please wait...
   [exec] [INFO]      --> Found desired version locally
   github.com/NodePrime/jsonpath 84403ded544328c99be3472727667179eef23a91!

Can someone else please double-check my findings?

I couldn't find any record of jsonpath having moved. Anyone have any opinions how best to fix this?

The error shown in jenkins console is:

         [exec] Starting build.sh (brooklyn-client go build script)
         [exec] Installing glide
         [exec] Installing dependencies
         [exec] [WARN]    The name listed in the config file
   (github.com/apache/brooklyn-client) does not match the current
   location (.)
         [exec] [INFO]    Downloading dependencies. Please wait...
         [exec] [INFO]    --> Fetching golang.org/x/crypto
         [exec] [INFO]    --> Fetching github.com/NodePrime/jsonpath
         [exec] [INFO]    --> Fetching github.com/urfave/cli
         [exec] [WARN]    Unable to checkout github.com/NodePrime/jsonpath
         [exec] [ERROR]    Update failed for
   github.com/NodePrime/jsonpath: Unable to get repository: Cloning
   into '/root/.glide/cache/src/https-github.com-NodePrime-jsonpath'...
         [exec] fatal: could not read Username for
   'https://github.com': No such device or address
         [exec] : exit status 128
         [exec] [ERROR]    Failed to install: Unable to get repository:
   Cloning into
         [exec] fatal: could not read Username for
   'https://github.com': No such device or address
         [exec] : exit status 128
         [exec] Building br for default OS/ARCH:
         [exec]     darwin/amd64
         [exec] ../models/catalog.go:28:2: cannot find package
   "github.com/NodePrime/jsonpath" in any of:
   (vendor tree)
         [exec] /usr/lib/go-1.7/src/github.com/NodePrime/jsonpath (from
   (from $GOPATH)
         [exec] ../command_metadata/command_metadata.go:21:8: cannot
   find package "github.com/urfave/cli" in any of:
   (vendor tree)
         [exec]     /usr/lib/go-1.7/src/github.com/urfave/cli (from
   (from $GOPATH)
         [exec] ../commands/login.go:37:2: cannot find package
   "golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal" in any of:
   (vendor tree)
         [exec] /usr/lib/go-1.7/src/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal
   (from $GOROOT)
   (from $GOPATH)


[1] https://builds.apache.org/job/brooklyn-master-build-docker/
[2] https://github.com/NodePrime/jsonpath

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