Github user aledsage commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
utils/common/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/util/text/ ---
    @@ -315,12 +320,121 @@ else if (c=='\"') {
                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("String '"+s+"' is not a 
valid Java string (unterminated string)");
    +        /** @deprecated since 1.0.0, use {@link 
#unwrapJsonishListStringIfPossible(String)} (old semantics)
    +         * or {@link #unwrapJsonishListStringIfPossible(String)} 
(improved) */
    +        public static List<String> unwrapJsonishListIfPossible(String 
input) {
    +            return unwrapJsonishListStringIfPossible(input);
    +        }
    +        /** converts a comma separated list in a single string to a list 
of json primitives or maps, 
    +         * falling back to returning the input.
    +         * <p>
    +         * specifically:
    +         * <li> 1) if of form <code>[ X ]</code> (in brackets after trim), 
parse as YAML;
    +         *         if parse succeeds return the result, or if parse fails, 
return {@link Maybe#absent()}.
    +         * <ll> 2) if not of form <code>[ X ]</code>, wrap in brackets and 
parse as YAML, 
    +         *         and if that succeeds and is a list, return the result.
    +         * <li> 3) otherwise, expect comma-separated tokens which after 
trimming are of the form "A" or B,
    +         *         where "A" is a valid Java string or C is any string not 
starting with ' 
    +         *         and not containing " or ,.  return the list of those 
tokens, where A and B
    +         *         are their string value, and C as a primitive if it is a 
number or boolean or null, 
    +         *         or else a string, including the empty string if empty.
    +         * <li> 4) if such tokens are not found, return {@link 
    +         * <p>
    +         * @see #unwrapOptionallyQuotedJavaStringList(String)
    +         **/
    +        public static Maybe<List<Object>> tryUnwrapJsonishList(String 
input) {
    +            if (input==null) return Maybe.absent("null input cannot unwrap 
to a list");
    +            String inputT = input.trim();
    +            String inputYaml = null;
    +            if (!inputT.startsWith("[") && !inputT.endsWith("]")) {
    +                inputYaml = "[" + inputT + "]";
    +            }
    +            if (inputT.startsWith("[") && inputT.endsWith("]")) {
    +                inputYaml = inputT;
    +            }
    +            if (inputYaml!=null) {
    +                try {
    +                    Object r = Iterables.getOnlyElement( 
Yamls.parseAll(inputYaml) );
    +                    if (r instanceof List) {
    +                        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
    +                        List<Object> result = (List<Object>)r;
    +                        return Maybe.of(result);
    +                    }
    +                } catch (Exception e) {}
    --- End diff --
    Strong preference to never have empty catch blocks. I'd do:
    catch(Exception e) {
        // Logic below decides whether to return absent or to keep trying


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