Hello all!

Apache Brooklyn 1.0.0 is nearing release (the next RC is building as I
write this), and with 1.0.0 being a nice round number it's a good
opportunity to get some free press out of our release :-)

I've approached the ASF's media team and our VP of Marketing and Publicity,
Sally Khudairi, is happy to help us write a press release and will issue it
through the ASF's media channels. The recommendation is to issue it on a
Tuesday - if I get this RC out tonight, I'd be closing the vote on next
Monday morning and we'd get the release published in time for a press
release Tuesday next week!

Sally suggests we look at https://s.apache.org/HK21 and
https://s.apache.org/aznB for examples of The ASF's house style for project
press releases. We'll need to pull together an introductory section and key
points about our project/release. Then it's followed by quotes from the PMC
Chair (are you up for this Geoff, or happy for someone to ghost-write for
you?) and possibly others in the PMC, and quotes from community members -
typically from tech companies that are using the project. My employer,
Cloudsoft, is a big user of Apache Brooklyn and will likely supply a
quotation, but quotes from other people and companies will be very valuable.

I'll put together a draft for the first part of the press release and share
it for comments, but I'd like to appeal to our community - do you use
Apache Brooklyn and would you like to contribute a quote for our press
release? If so please let me know as soon as possible!


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