Hi Brooklyners,

I am new here, but while writing CAMP blueprints  using Brooklyn DSL I hit
a wall.

Here’s my situation: I have a brooklyn.parameter of a custom type named
Credential, that is defined like this:

- *id*: Credential
  *format*: bean-with-type
    *type*: my.type.Credential

The Credential class has two properties: user and token.

I want to be able to use the value of the ‘user’ property when configuring
my service, like this:

- *itemType*: template  *item*:    *brooklyn.parameters*:    - *name*:
user_credentials      *type*: Credential      *default*:
*user*: *"unsername"
        **token*: *"password"
    **services*:    - *id*: credential-service      *type*:
my.credential.Service      *brooklyn.initializers*:      - *type*:
my.initializer.AAA        *brooklyn.config*:          *name*:
user.name          *static.value*:

Currently I see no way to access the value of the "user" property of my
brooklyn parameter.  Also, in case the Credential type also has a "roles"
property which is a list<string> or an array, I would very much like to be
able to write


Of if the “user.credentials” is of type  list<Credentials>, it would be
nice if I could do


I personally like the [x] approach where x is tried (in order):

   - an argument to a `get(x)` method (works for lists and maps: index or
   - a bean property (if x is a string, look for method called getX() or a
   field called  x
   - a config key, if the target is Configurable , ie getConfig(x) or

Or we could go for something pretty similar to a JsonPath style (

This would allow us to write constructs like:




I think a change like this would make Brooklyn DSL more flexible and open
the door to further improvements and also make blueprints more readable.

I propose to work on the above and welcome any thoughts from the community.



Iuliana Cosmina

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