Hi, here is some document written by justin,

Please refer。



The project has a large number of contributors but is slow in granting 
committer access.


Encourage the project to discuss what it means to be a committer and document 
it on their website. Encourage them to keep the committer bar low and recognise 
all forms of contribution, not just code contributions. If committer = PMC then 
perhaps suggest breaking into those two groups, so it's easier to appoint 
committers. Encourage the PPMC to look out for committers that slowly commit 
over time as well as the ones who are more easily recognisable.


For the project to have a long term future, it's essential to have new 
committers and PMC members. A podling that sets the committer bar too high or 
only recognises some form of contribution may not survive. Having new people 
with different backgrounds will inject fresh ideas and will make the project 
flourish in unexpected ways.

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