The vote passed with 5 +1 (including 1 non-binding).

Thanks everyone for trying it and reporting issues.

I'll get the site and packages updated asap.


On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 12:02 PM, Alex Boisvert <>wrote:

> We're voting on the source distributions available here:
> Specifically:
> The documentation generated for this release is available here:
> The official specification against which this release was tested:
> Test coverage report:
> (Still getting a segmentation fault with rcov)
> The following changes were made since 1.3.4:
>   * Added:  Interactive shell (REPL) support
>   * Added:  BeanShell as default shell for java projects, bsh is small and
> it's
>             syntax provides the closest to an interpreted java. The
> BeanShell
>             console includes a graphical class browser. Shell is named :bsh
>   * Added:  Mandriva (urpmi) installation support (with help from Franck
> Villaume).
>   * Added:  BUILDR-56 Download Scala artifacts if not available locally
>   * Added:  BUILDR-163 cobertura:check (Marko Sibakov, Daniel Spiewak).
>   * Added:  BUILDR-295 Eclipse task: make 'M2_REPO' repository variable
> configurable
>   * Added:  BUILDR-300 Make Eclipse task more configurable (Antoine Toulme,
> Alex Boisvert)
>   * Change: Upgraded to rubyforge-1.0.5 and net-ssh 2.0.15
>   * Change: Monkey-Patched FileUtils::sh on JRuby to use POSIX `system`
>   * Change: Updated to Rake 0.8.7, RSpec 1.2.8 and JRuby-openssl 0.5.2.
>   * Change: Updated to easyb 0.9 (Joel Muzzerall)
>   * Change: Updated to TestNG 5.10
>   * Change: Updated to JRuby 1.3.1
>   * Fixed:  BUILDR-23 Support for setting file mode when packaging (Ittay
> Dror).
>   * Fixed:  BUILDR-278 tasks/*.rake files are loaded after the buildfile
> (Rhett Sutphin)
>   * Fixed:  BUILDR-282 release goal should not strip leading '0' digits
> from version numbers.
>   * Fixed:  BUILDR-289 Improved error message when JAVA_HOME points to an
> invalid JRE/JDK installation
>   * Fixed:  BUILDR-290 Dependencies cannot be downloaded over SSL.
>   * Fixed:  BUILDR-291 Local tasks do not support arguments (Ittay Dror).
>   * Fixed:  BUILDR-292 Workaround for JRUBY-3381 on
>   * Fixed:  BUILDR-301 TestNG doesn't report failure if more than one test
> fails
>   * Fixed:  BUILDR-307 Failures are not reported correctly for ScalaTest
> (Jeremie Lenfant-Engelmann)
>   * Fixed:  BUILDR-313 Prevent release with uncommitted_files on Git 1.4.3+
> (Alexis Midon)
>   * Fixed:  BUILDR-315 Fix Eclipse .classpath for local libraries (Mat
> Schaffer)
>   * Fixed:  BUILDR-304 Referencing an existing package task using the
> package
>             method fails if the package has a custom filename (Rhett
> Sutphin)
>   * Fixed:  BUILDR-322 When specifying files (instead of directories) as
> sources for compile task,
>             Buildr uses target directory timestamp only (not compiled
> output timestamp)
>   * Fixed:  BUILDR-324: Regression - baseDir system property is not set
> when executing tests [Alexis Midon]
>   * Fixed:  BUILDR-325: Overriding package spec with classifer doesn't work
> (Antoine Toulme)
> Here's my +1.
> alex

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