We're voting on the source distributions available here:


The documentation generated for this release is available here:

The official specification against which this release was tested:

Test coverage report:

The following changes were made since 1.4.4:

  * Added:  BUILDR-555 Add support for the jaxb binding compiler (Mark
  * Added:  BUILDR-554 Add support for OSGi bundle packages by importing the
            buildr_bnd plugin
  * Added:  BUILDR-125 Add support for <security-role> in application.xml of
            EAR packaging (Mikael Amborn)
  * Added:  BUILDR-550 Add support for groovydoc
  * Added:  BUILDR-521: System tray notifications for Linux systems
            (via libnotify/notify-send)
  * Added:  BUILDR-537 Shell tasks should use JAVA_OPTS by default
  * Added:  BUILDR-538 Shell tasks should support passing :java_args
  * Added:  BUILDR-544 Support ${groupId} in pom files (Chris Dean)
  * Added:  BUILDR-552 Projects may now be defined using project(:name) and
a block
  * Added:  BUILDR-564 Add package(:scaladoc)
  * Added:  Automatically add "require buildr/{groovy,scala}"  when
            project if Groovy/Scala files are detected.
  * Change: BUILDR-540 Upgrade to rspec 2.1.0
  * Change: BUILDR-546 Upgrade to Rubyzip 0.9.4 (Michael Guymon)
  * Change: BUILDR-556 Merge buildr-iidea extension back into buildr.
  * Change: Upgrade default Scala compiler version to 2.8.1-final
  * Change: Upgrade to ScalaCheck 1.8
  * Change: Upgrade to ScalaTest 1.3
  * Change: Upgrade to Specs 1.6.6
  * Chagne: Upgrade to JRuby 1.5.6
  * Fixed:  BUILDR-542 Release task:  SVN tagging fails if parent tag
            does not exist yet (Gerolf Seitz)
  * Fixed:  BUILDR-543 POMs are installed and uploaded twice when using
            with classifier
  * Fixed:  BUILDR-522 Send notifications when continuous compilation
  * Fixed:  BUILDR-551 Continuous compilation not working for project trees
  * Fixed:  BUILDR-557 MD5 + SHA1 checksums are not Maven compliant (Tammo
van Lessen)
  * Change: Upgrade to Groovy 1.7.5
  * Change: BUILDR-545 Add the ability to specify the description element in
            application.xml contained within an ear.
  * Fixed:  BUILDR-547 - Ensure ECJ compiler works when there is a space in
            path of dependencies.
  * Fixed:  BUILDR-558 Artifact uploads should show a progress bar (Tammo
van Lessen)
  * Fixed:  BUILDR-560 show a meaning full error message when POM cannot be
            (Tammo van Lessen)
  * Fixed:  BUILDR-562 WAR package isn't updated if files under
            are updated
  * Fixed:  BUILDR-569 Buildr fails under JRuby 1.6.0.RC1 due to read-only
$? variable
  * Fixed:  BUILDR-570 Buildr does not work with Rubygems 1.5.x
  * Fixed:  Scaladoc task would cause build to exit prematurely

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