On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 9:58 PM, Michael Guymon <michael.guy...@gmail.com>wrote:

> So I jumped straight into the fire and have created a basic dependency
> resolver using Aether for Buildr.
> https://github.com/mguymon/buildr-resolver

Nice work!

> It will take an array of dependencies and find their dependencies,
> returning the total of all dependencies. For example, if you pass it
> ["org.apache.activemq:activemq-spring:jar:5.4.2"] it returns an array of
> "org.apache.activemq:activemq-spring:jar:5.4.2" and its 32 dependencies.
> Not surprising, it still needs work. It requires JRuby but I should be able
> to get it to work with RJB for vanilla Ruby support. Aether is downloading
> dependencies on its own, which needs to be disabled, so buildr can handle
> that part.
> buildr-resolver may cause conflicts due to the jars required to bootstrap
> Aether. Needs a way to load Aether without polluting the project runtime.
> Bootstrap deps -
> https://github.com/mguymon/naether/blob/master/src/main/java/com/slackworks/Bootstrap.java

Just an idea... you may want to load these in a separate ClassLoader
(assuming Aether doesn't require jars to be in the bootstrap classloader).


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