Hi Michael,

I think it's a good idea and I don't think it would be that much work.  Use
of repositories.remote for actual downloading seems to be fairly localized
in buildr/packaging/artifact.rb.


On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 8:56 AM, Michael Guymon <michael.guy...@gmail.com>wrote:

> So I am interested in getting repositories.remote to support auth. The goal
> is to have buildr deploy to private maven repo's I have a work. What I would
> like to do is have the following be valid:
>    repositories.remote << 'https://a.secure.repo/maven2'
>    repositories.remote << { :url => 'https://a.secure.repo/maven2' }
>    repositories.remote << { :url => 'https://a.secure.repo/maven2',
> :username => 'blah', :password => 'blah' }
> and possibly
>    repositories.remote << { :url => 'https://a.secure.repo/maven2',
> :priv_key => 'file' }
> I have sourced dived a little to see how repositories.remote is used, but I
> am not sure if this change would be a colossal PITA. If someone has a
> better/easier solution I would love to hear it.
> thanks,
> Michael

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