FWIW the all-in-one bundle was there before and Alex coded most if not all
of it :)

If I remember correctly, building the all-in-one is supported by a rake

On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 7:04 PM, Peter Donald <pe...@realityforge.org> wrote:

> Huya,
> On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 5:21 AM, Tammo van Lessen <tvanles...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > First, I got a Buildr talk accepted at ApacheCon EU in Sinsheim, Germany,
> > which I held just yesterday.
> congrats!
> > I got a lot of positive feedback, people seem
> > to like the buildr idea although it also seems that Maven improved since
> > the inception of Buildr and some things are less worse. The most visible
> > argument against buildr was, however, that people are used to use Maven
> and
> > that, if they want to make their project accessible for a broad audience,
> > they think they'd need to stick to Maven.
> That does seem to be a common view.
> > I guess Gradle tries to address
> > this issue by providing a "gradle-wrapper", which is a small jar file
> along
> > a shell script that you can include into your project and that will
> > bootstrap a gradle installation automatically. I also figured, that still
> > many Java developers don't have rubies at hand and don't know how to
> easily
> > install a gem.
> And one stage, Antoine was working on the "all-in-one" distribution
> that essentially bundled a version of jruby with buildr and all it's
> dependencies in one easy installer. I wonder if we could work on this
> to ease adoption of buildr for the casual user.
> Where I work we use Chef (http://www.opscode.com/chef/) extensively
> and they release their tool in "omnibus" editions that are essentially
> a complete version of ruby for n-different platforms. They preinstall
> the chef gems in the ruby they distribute but they make sure that the
> only things that are added to the path are the che executables. I
> wonder if this would be a good thing for us to consider?
> > Second, I stumbled upon ThoughtWorks TechRadar [2]. In particular, I
> liked
> > the first paragraph of the Tools section ;)
> It is kinda neat. Possibly the best thing we can do is to increase
> awareness ... I think your approach to giving a talk is a good idea.
> --
> Cheers,
> Peter Donald

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