+1 for the release, thanks for the hard work!

On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 2:30 AM, Peter Donald <pe...@realityforge.org>wrote:

> We're voting on the source distributions available here:
> http://people.apache.org/~donaldp/buildr/1.4.10/dist/
> Specifically:
> http://people.apache.org/~donaldp/buildr/1.4.10/dist/buildr-1.4.10.tgz
> http://people.apache.org/~donaldp/buildr/1.4.10/dist/buildr-1.4.10.zip
> The documentation generated for this release is available here:
> http://people.apache.org/~donaldp/buildr/1.4.10/site/
> http://people.apache.org/~donaldp/buildr/1.4.10/site/buildr.pdf
> The following changes were made since 1.4.9:
>   * Added:  Support a single intermediate directory for each project
> hierarchy
>             through an addon 'buildr/single_intermediate_layout'.
>   * Fixed:  BUILDR-660 possible build issue when using build.yaml and
> tasks/*.rake
>             (FĂ©lix Enrique Llorente Pastora)
>   * Added:  Support the :dir option in the Java::Commands.java method.
>   * Fixed:  Scala 2.10 support - compiler now uses additional/separate jars
>             introduced in 2.10 such as scala-reflect.jar and
> scala-actor.jar
>   * Added:  Add an addon for NSIS.
>   * Change: BUILDR-612 - Support the TestNG 6.x versions and default
>             to 6.8.
>   * Added:  BUILDR-599 - Support the passing of arguments to testng
>             test runner.
>   * Fixed:  Observer the per-project source version when generating
>             IDEA module files.
>   * Change: Sort the components in IDEA project files in the same
>             order the idea sorts them.
>   * Fixed:  Findbugs addon correctly handles String dependencies
>             (vs task dependencies)
>   * Fixed:  Checkstyle addon correctly handles String dependencies
>             (vs task dependencies)
>   * Added:  Created an addon 'buildr/wsgen' for generating wsdls from java
>             and java from wsdls using the underlying wsgen tool.
>   * Change: Defer the expansion of generated poms by wrapping the
> generation
>             in a Proc.
>   * Change: Rework Artifact.content(value) method to accept a Proc that
>             will be called before the artifact is written rather than
>             requiring a string.
>   * Added:  Create a 'buildr/gpg' addon that signs and uploads signatures
>             when uploading artifacts. Inspired by a similar extension in
>             the Apache ODE project by Tammo van Lessen.
>   * Change: Updated dependency versions;
>             - jruby-openssl (0.8.2)
>             - atoulme-Antwrap (0.7.4)
>   * Change: Require 'bundler/setup' as part of buildr startup to ensure
> that
>             buildr always runs with up to date dependencies if a Gemfile is
>             present.
>   * Added:  Add FrameworkDetectionExcludesConfiguration facet to Idea
> project
>             file creation by default.
>   * Fixed:  In the IntelliJ extension, defer the materialization of the
>             default_components until expansion time to avoid loss of sub-
>             components added after an add_component call.
>   * Fixed:  BUILDR-633 - Remove hardcoded shebang lines in all-in-one
> release.
>   * Added:  Create a simple extension that modifies the project layout to
> place
>             generated files at the top level.
> --
> Cheers,
> Peter Donald

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