
I have lined up a few issues for 1.5.1:

I have a few big items in mind for this release:
-Work around Buildr itself, fix the web site, add more examples that can also 
be used as integration tests.
-Take a hard look at the addons folder. Knock out what’s old and crusty, and 
maybe move a few into the main code line (I started using custom_pom and I like 
it a lot!)
-Communicate and analyze what’s going on. Buildr has been very quiet for the 
longest time, but the gem downloads are nothing less than impressive.
-Our installation story needs an overhaul and we should look at Docker onbuild, 
and if there are new ways to bundle Buildr into an executable.

I also think that 1.5 was a big release, and I would be in favor of reacting 
quickly and cutting a release if - when we see bug reports coming in.

Ideally, I’d like 1.5.1 to be out by Christmas unless something comes up.

What do you think?


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