Thanks for cutting the release Peter!

> On May 12, 2018, at 04:30, Alex Boisvert <alex.boisv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> +1 (no testing done)
>> On Sat, May 12, 2018, 4:14 AM Peter Donald <pe...@realityforge.org> wrote:
>> +1 from me.
>> Tested several different builds in different environments and all seem to
>> work.
>> On Thu, May 10, 2018 at 9:53 AM, Peter Donald <pe...@realityforge.org>
>> wrote:
>>> We're voting on the source distributions available here:
>>> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/buildr/1.5.6/dist/
>>> Specifically:
>> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/buildr/1.5.6/dist/buildr-1.5.6.tgz
>> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/buildr/1.5.6/dist/buildr-1.5.6.zip
>>> The documentation generated for this release is available here:
>>> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/buildr/1.5.6/site/
>>> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/buildr/1.5.6/site/buildr.pdf
>>> The following changes were made since 1.5.5:
>>>  * Fixed:  Ensure that the username and passwords declared for
>>> repositories are correctly url encoded for
>>>            the upload repositories when converted to a URL. (i.e. Ensure
>>> `Buildr.repositories.release_to`
>>>            and `Buildr.repositories.snapshot_to` settings can have
>>> usernames and passwords with special
>>>            characters).
>>>  * Added:  Add support for allowing some dependencies to include
>>> transitive dependencies via the
>>>            `pom.include_transitive_dependencies` configuration setting.
>>>  * Added:  Add support for adding dependencies to the pom via the
>>> `pom.additional_dependencies` configuration
>>>            setting. These dependencies are `compile` scope and are in
>>> addition to any derived from the normal
>>>            compile dependencies.
>>>  * Fixed:  GWT Addon: Use version `1.0.2` of the
>>> `com.google.jsinterop:jsinterop-annotations:jar` artifact
>>>            when using GWT 2.8.2 to align with version shipped with GWT.
>>>  * Fixed:  Dependencies added as `pom.provided_dependencies` or
>>> `pom.runtime_dependencies` and not included
>>>            as compile dependencies were incorrectly omitted from pom.
>>>  * Fixed:  Dependencies added as `pom.provided_dependencies` and
>>> `pom.runtime_dependencies` were being
>>>            incorrectly duplicated within the pom dependencies section.
>>> Now provided dependency scope takes
>>>            precedence over runtime scoped dependency.
>>>  * Fixed:  Dependencies added to POMs will specify the classifier unless
>>> it is the default value.
>>>  * Added:  Add the `project.pom.dependency_filter` configuration
>>> property that can be set to a proc. The proc
>>>            accepts a dependency and returns a boolean that determines
>>> whether the dependency is included in
>>>            the generated pom or not.
>>>  * Fixed:  POMs generated by Buildr use the parent pom
>>> `org.sonatype.oss:oss-parent:pom:7` but this
>>>            generates a warning in the latest version of Maven. Modern
>>> versions of Maven would thus
>>>            ignore transitive dependencies declared in the pom. The
>>> parent pom has now been upgraded
>>>            to `org.sonatype.oss:oss-parent:pom:8` which will result in
>>> modern Maven correctly picking
>>>            up transitive dependencies.
>>>  * Change: JaCoCo Addon: Update JaCoCo version to 0.8.0 which in turns
>>> supports Java9.
>>>  * Added:  GWT Addon: Added support for `:gwtc_args` parameter to supply
>>> arbitrary parameters to
>>>            the GWT compiler.
>>>  * Added:  Add support for sha512 digests to be generated for files
>>> during the upload. This is typically
>>>            configured by adding `sha512` to the list of digests via a
>>> line such as:
>>>            `repositories.release_to[:options] = {:digests => [:md5,
>>> :sha1, :sha512]}`
>>>  * Fixed:  The default upload tasks would often get a ReadTimeout when
>>> uploading using http to a remote
>>>            server that did not have `KeepAlive` socket option enabled
>>> and the upload took more than 60
>>>            seconds (the default socket read timeout). Some commercial
>>> maven repositories could trigger
>>>            this scenario during upload of even modest size artifacts.
>>> Default the read_timeout to 10 minutes
>>>            when during upload to work address this issue.
>>> --
>>> Cheers,
>>> Peter Donald
>> --
>> Cheers,
>> Peter Donald

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