We're voting on the source distributions available here:


The documentation generated for this release is available here:

The following changes were made since 1.5.6:

  * Fixed:  The fix that allowed special characters in usernames and
passwords was only partially applied
            in the `1.5.6` release. The complete fix that correctly decoded
usernames and passwords before
            passing them to HTTP library is now been applied.
  * Change: GWT Addon: Added support for `:skip_merge_gwt_dependencies`
parameter that makes it possible to
            avoid adding GWT dependencies to the project directly and thus
the associated POM. This will be
            required to support GWT3.x and GWT2.x simultaneously as well as
making it easier to manage
            dependencies in the POMs.
  * Change: Javadoc: If the user does not supply an explicit `:sourcepath`
to the doc/javadoc tool then
            default the value to `project.compile.sources`. This will stop
javadoc from scanning the classpath
            for `*.java` files which can cause issues with projects that
include `sources` classifier artifacts
            on the classpath. This is particularly relevant for GWT based
projects that include artifacts with
            source embedded in the artifacts. This change also made it
possible to remove an ugly hack in the
            GWT addon that removed the gwt artifacts from the javadoc path.
  * Change: Drop deprecated Gem::Specification#has_rdoc= (no replacement)
method. Submitted by Olle Jonsson.
  * Change: Use https protocol to access Gem metadata. Submitted by Olle
  * Change: Change RSpec shared_context usage to avoid warnings. Submitted
by Olle Jonsson.
  * Change: Migrated source control to Apache GitBox which supports using
either GitHub or GitBox as the
            master repository.

Peter Donald

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