Also, if you have suggestions on how you'd like to see the documentation expanded, please do provide them. I can try to expand, but if I don't have a focus on what is actually lacking, it's hard to be effective.

Josh Elser wrote:
If you're using Protobuf (as I think you are), you don't need to worry
about the conversion from the Protobuf TypedValue message back into the
Avatica class TypedValue. This is handled implicitly by Avatica itself.
Just make sure that the Rep you provide matches the serialization.

I'm not familiar with golang's SQL interface, so I'm not sure what they
define as a "datetime" here. If you have more specifics, I can try to
point you in the right direction.

AFAIK, there isn't any difference in implementation between
PRIMITIVE_FOO and FOO (there are a few variants of this).

The difference between Long and BigInteger would be the resulting Java
type created for the value (a Long or a BigInteger). Sorry if this is
cyclic logic :)

Yes, the JAVA_* types are used to support the array of
date/time/datetime data types.

F21 wrote:
I need to send some TypedValues to the avatica server (phoenix query
server) when executing a statement.

According to,

I need to set a Type for each value. I noticed that the list of Reps
support things like JAVA_SQL_TIME, JAVA_SQL_TIMESTAMP etc, however it's
unclear which ones are valid values for a TypedValue.

In my case, the golang sql interface provides data for parameter binding
that might be a time.time (which is essentially a datetime). In this
case, what should my TypedValue look like?

Also, I noticed the Rep enum has a few things that looked similar, but
might mean different things. It would be nice to have documentation to
clarify. For example:
- What's the difference between PRIMITIVE_BOOLEAN and BOOLEAN?
- Is there any difference between LONG and BIG_INTEGER?
- Are the JAVA_SQL_* and JAVA_UTIL_* types currently being used?


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