The same query on Drill executes correctly. Hence, the logical plan should be 
correct. Maybe the COUNT(sal) converted to COUNT(*) because sal is NOT NULL.

From: Eli Levine <>
Sent: Thursday, February 2, 2017 2:29:06 PM
Subject: Column missing from COUNT(column)

Greetings! I have encountered what appears to be a bug in Calcite while
working on the Pig adapter [1].

This query:

select deptno + 4, sum(sal), sum(3 + sal), 2 * count(sal)
from emp
group by deptno

produces the following plan:

LogicalProject(EXPR$0=[+($0, 4)], EXPR$1=[$1], EXPR$2=[$2], EXPR$3=[*(2,
  LogicalAggregate(group=[{0}], EXPR$1=[SUM($1)], EXPR$2=[SUM($2)],
    LogicalProject(DEPTNO=[$7], SAL=[$5], $f2=[+(3, $5)])
      LogicalTableScan(table=[[CATALOG, SALES, EMP]])

Note that the COUNT aggregate call does not have an associated column
reference, unlike other aggregate calls. Is this expected? Poking around
SqlToRelConverter is proving fairly involved, so I would like to make sure
this is actually an issue before sinking more time into it.





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