You are talking about what I would call “theta semi-join” (as opposed to the 
“equi-semi-join” that we support currently). But you are correct; there is no 
reason in principle why the predicate has to be “=“.

IN translates naturally to an equi-SemiJoin; your query "select * from l where 
l.a in (select r.c from r where l.b > r.d)” would start off as an equi-SemiJoin 
whose right-hand input is a filter, but we could pull the filter condition into 
the SemiJoin, in which case it would become a theta-SemiJoin because the 
condition is no longer a simple “=“.

A simple way to implement semi-join is to apply an Aggregate the right-hand 
input (to eliminate duplicates) followed by a regular Join, followed by a 
Project. You can’t use that simple approach for theta-SemiJoin, because you 
don’t know what should be the key for the Aggregate. We could of course devise 
another means. But personally, I find it more difficult to reason about 
ThetaSemiJoin because it doesn’t have that convenient identity.

SemiJoin is not a fundamental relational operator; you can accomplish it using 
other operators. So we have it only because it makes things easier; some rules 
can be applied to semi-joins that do not apply to regular joins, and we can 
make better estimates for statistics. If it makes things easier, we could also 
introduce a ThetaSemiJoin, and we could revisit rules that apply to Join and 
SemiJoin and see whether they apply to ThetaSemiJoin.


> On Nov 14, 2017, at 5:14 AM, 贺小令 <> wrote:
> Hello, I am trying to convert IN or EXISTS to SemiJoin based on Calcite. 
> (such as executing tpch-21.sql)However, SemiJoin only supports  equi join 
> condition. I also find that SemiJoin extends from EquiJoin.I wondered why 
> does SemiJoin only support equi join condition in Calcite? As we know, "A 
> “semi-join” between two tables returns rows from the first table where one or 
> more matches are found in the second table. The difference between a 
> semi-join and a conventional join is that rows in the first table will be 
> returned at most once. Even if the second table contains two matches for a 
> row in the first table, only one copy of the row will be returned."  (ref 
> e.g.  select * from l where l.a in (select r.c from r where l.b > r.d)
> According to the definition, the above SQL can be converted to semi-join. 
> There is an equi join condition: l.a = r.c, which can be used as shuffle key 
> on distributed environment. There is a non-equi join conditions: lb. > r.d, 
> so it can not be converted to SemiJoin in Calcite now.
> Does SemiJoin support equi join condition temporarily? Or is there some 
> reasons we must do as that?
> thanks a lot,
> godfreyhe

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