More tests are always welcome.

I would be wary of adding a new approach (assertj-db). Over time we end up with 
as many approaches as there are contributors, and so the code becomes hard to 
maintain. Consider using quidem (see QuidemTest and various .iq files in the 
code base); it combines assertion-based testing with the simplicity of 
script-based tests.

This could be added to the “plus” module, where we don’t mind extra 
dependencies, and don’t mind if the test suite takes a long time.


> On Dec 2, 2017, at 3:40 PM, wrote:
> Hello fellow calcite dev team,
> I am building a database with use of calcite framework and decided that
> instead of simple unit tests I will go only with integration tests. This is
> due the fact that my code only glues the calcite with data and configures
> the whole thing decorating with web api and jdbc access (with avatica ;) ).
> I have some problems with calcite, possible bugs - some of them in apache
> jira for calcite logged already. Those problem are visible through my
> tests.
> And with that in mind I have an idea for a new maven artifact for calcite -
> end to end tests for an example h2 database. Database could have some
> tables with data - maybe 100k rows in all tables. Tests with assertj and
> its derivatives, something like I've done in my project - see the pastebin
> .
> Such test set can help with lowering regressions establishing a common
> ground for talking about the calcite behaviour on specific cases (which can
> be described through end2end tests).
> The tech under such maven artifact can be pretty simple:
>   - h2 as a data source, maybe some other
>   - one properly complicated json calcite schema
>   - some tech for populating h2 with data (just for having data with some
>   descriptive language, not a binary format)
>   - assertj-db for DSL in tests
> What do You think?
> Cheers,
> Pete

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