Re 3. Use a good IDE (I use IntelliJ, others use Eclipse). Find, run and debug 
unit tests applicable to your case.

> On Feb 5, 2018, at 6:37 PM, Neters <> wrote:
> Dear Julian,
> Have a good day even if you UTC time is 2:00 am.
> I will have a try to implement the first method. Now we have only kylin 
> datasource to deal with.
> If the practice fails i will try the second way or write an adapter. Because 
> there are some difficult for me as following,or to say some questions:
> 1.I thought there are so many source code in calcite that i could not build 
> the entire construction in my mind.
> 2.What knowledge should be prepared to understand the core thought of 
> calcite, particulary about the data type such as RelDataType,or planing rules 
> or the process for optimizing the sql parser process.
> 3.The third question may be not associated with calcite, it is just a 
> ordinary question:how to read the source code in opensource project quickly. 
> It is need to understand every detail in every source code file? I am a 
> newbie in opensouce project modifying.
> If the other calcite project guys have good advice to learn opensource 
> project source reading,just reply me.
> Best Regards To All
> neters
> ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
> 发件人: "Julian Hyde";<>;
> 发送时间: 2018年2月6日(星期二) 凌晨3:53
> 收件人: "dev"<>;
> 主题: Re: Adjust clacite to support kylin query
> If the query requires more than one data source (Kylin and something else) 
> then a logical plan is necessary. If it’s just Kylin then what you suggest 
> would work in principle, but it would be hard to make it work in practice.
> It might be simpler to fix the SQL generated by Calcite’s JDBC adapter to be 
> what Kylin expects. Have you tried adding a Kylin dialect, making sure it 
> gets used by RelToSqlConverter / JdbcImplementor?
> Julian
>> On Feb 4, 2018, at 9:53 PM, Neters <> wrote:
>> Dear Julian,
>> Have a good day.
>> Yes. I have tried to connect to kylin via JDBC adapter, but the sql string 
>> has been changed to which kylin engine does not support(sql string was 
>> parsed not correctly ). 
>> The sql query process i understand is that : 
>> avatica jdbc driver gets connection and sumit sql string -->avatica server 
>> receives the sql string->calcite convertes the sql string to a logical 
>> plan-->
>> calcite applys planning rules to optimize the query process--> calcite 
>> converts the sql string back and submits it to the database.
>> The description above is right?
>> I am wondering if it is possible to bypass the logical plan convertion. 
>> After avatica server receives the sql string, calcite posts the sql string 
>> to kylin rest server by kylin jdbc driver defined in the json model file? As 
>> you can see, the implements of kylin jdbc is as following:
>> 1.register kylin jdbc driver
>> 2.get statement
>> 3.set query sql string and execute query( excute query by posting sql string 
>> to kylin rest server)
>> If bypass issue could be carried out to query kylin, there might be a point 
>> to bypass the convertion to logical plan.
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> My avatica server source archive is as following:
>> ----project name----
>>                    --java code--
>>                   --resources--
>>                           +model.json
>> public class BiQueryServer {
>>   public static void main(String[] args) {
>>       List<String> argsList = new ArrayList<String>();
>>       argsList.add("com.w3sun.sqlengine.ModelMetaFactory");
>>       argsList.add("org.apache.calcite.avatica.jdbc.JdbcMeta");
>>       for (String arg : args) {
>>           argsList.add(arg);
>>       }
>>       String[] argsArray = (String[]) argsList.toArray(new 
>> String[argsList.size()]);
>>       try {
>>           org.apache.calcite.avatica.server.Main.main(argsArray);
>>       } catch (InterruptedException e) {
>>           e.printStackTrace();
>>       } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
>>           e.printStackTrace();
>>       } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
>>           e.printStackTrace();
>>       } catch (InstantiationException e) {
>>           e.printStackTrace();
>>       }
>>   }
>> }
>> public class ModelMetaFactory implements Meta.Factory {
>>   private final String modelFile = 
>> this.getClass().getResource("/model.json").getPath().substring(1);
>>   private final String localJdbcUrl = "jdbc:calcite:";
>>   public void printMetaInfo(String meta) {
>>       System.out.println("[TnpmConnectionFactory.create] Implement with " + 
>> meta);
>>   }
>>   public Meta create(List<String> list) {
>>       try {
>>           if (list.size() > 0 && 
>> list.get(0).equals("org.apache.calcite.avatica.jdbc.JdbcMeta")) {
>>               return new JdbcMeta(localJdbcUrl + "model=" + (list.size() > 1 
>> ? list.get(1) : modelFile));
>>           } else {
>>               return null;
>>           }
>>       } catch (SQLException e) {
>>           throw new RuntimeException(e);
>>       }
>>   }
>> }
>> ----------------------------------------------model.json------------------------------------------------------
>> {
>> "version": "1.0",
>> "defaultSchema": "kylin",
>> "schemas": [
>>   {
>>     "name": "kylin",
>>     "type": "custom",
>>     "factory": "org.apache.calcite.adapter.jdbc.JdbcSchema$Factory",
>>     "operand": {
>>       "jdbcDriver": "org.apache.kylin.jdbc.Driver",
>>       "jdbcUrl":"jdbc:kylin://",
>>       "jdbcUser": "ADMIN",
>>       "jdbcPassword": "KYLIN"
>>     }
>>   }
>> ]
>> }
>> Best Regards
>> Neters
>> ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
>> 发件人: "Julian Hyde";<>;
>> 发送时间: 2018年2月3日(星期六) 凌晨2:31
>> 收件人: "dev"<>;
>> 主题: Re: Adjust clacite to support kylin query
>> Have you tried connecting to Kylin (and MySQL) via the JDBC adapter?
>> (I know Kylin has Calcite inside, but they don’t package it as an adapter, 
>> so we’re forced to treat them as a black box.)
>> Julian
>>> On Feb 2, 2018, at 4:13 AM, Neters <> wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> Good day.
>>> Sorry guys,the mail system remove my pic, so i make it attachment.
>>> I want to query apache kylin by calcite,but i did not find the adapter for 
>>> kylin. So i decide to modify the code attached in kylin source code.
>>> My frame like this:
>>>                             avatica jdbc client      
>>>                                        |
>>>                                        |
>>>                           -------------------------
>>>                          |          calcite           |
>>>                          --------------------------
>>>                          /               |               \
>>>                    kylin              es               mysql
>>> Could you please give some constructive support?
>>> Best Regards

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