>A sql validation error when a statement is being prepared (say by a jdbc
server) is really an error, and I think it should be logged.

Suppose there's an end-to-end data management system that happens to use

What action should system administrator take when the following error is
printed in the log?
org.apache.calcite.runtime.CalciteContextException: From line 1, column 17
to line 1, column 40: No match found for function signature

Note: those error messages provide NO context on the stack trace. SQL is
missing as well. Business level info (user name, transaction name, business
action name) is missing as well.

Note2: the application might HANDLE the error and issue an alternative
For instance: if query fails, it might use different syntax. If query
timeouts, the application might use alternative query.
When that happens, the original "exception" is not an error. It must not be
printed as error.
How Calcite knows if application handles the error?

Julian>Is there a way to achieve both of the above? I agree with your
instinct that the tests are currently much too verbose.

The point is it is not Calcite's business to identify if the error is
SEVERE for application or not.
Calcite throws the errors, and it makes very little reason to log "just

I have went though the same "ignorance-denying-despair-acceptance" route
with silencing exceptions in https://github.com/pgjdbc/pgjdbc/pull/1187

The errors (and warnings) should be actionable. In other words, system
administrator should be able to perform corrective actions.
Logging all the CalciteExceptions provides no way to distinguish truly
important stuff from "dev tracing".

Note: there's always an option to enable TRACE logging level for
CalciteException which will activate "automatic printing of all the errors
with stacktraces".
That might be useful for debugging/analyzing of bad system behavior,
however it should be disabled by default.


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