Julian> Do you propose to ban ’throw new RuntimeException(e)’ in all
code or just in tests?

I'm 100.42% sure we should ban new RuntimeException(e)  and all the
other cases like "new Throwable(e)" in test code.
pull/1042 touches test code only, so it is more-or-less simple to
reason about. That is why I've put rethrow into TestUtil.

Julian> in all code

That's the question. I'm inclined (up to 99.42%) to ban it in non-test
code as well as the benefits greatly overweight drawbacks.

Julian> What should people do in non-test code?

My idea is to add Calcite-specfic CalciteThrowables#rethrow and use it
all over the place (naming and placement is still to be defined).

Julian>Use guava’s ’throw Throwables.propagate’

That should never be used. Even Guava deprecated it. We need
sneaky-throws, and Guava hasn't that.

Julian>I am not inclined to adopt solutions that would make our
overall code quality worse.

The quality of the codebase won't suffer, however we would get way
better exceptions should something fail in runtime.

PS. Fun fact: I've seen multiple production outages caused by
OutOfMemory when exception class was trying to put full stacktrace
into the message. The resulting message took 500+ megabytes even
though the initial exception was just 5-10 kilobytes.


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