Julian> Indeed, JDBC itself is not thread-safe

Just in case: CalciteRemoteDriverTest seems to be pretty sane test (it
does not use the same java.sql.Connection across multiple threads),
yet it fails with race-condition-like reasons.

I won't really want to dig into JDBC thread-safety, however that is a
slippery slope. I used to think that JDBC is not thread-safe, however
now I don't think so (after being pgjdbc maintainer for a several
For instance, there's Connection#getWarnings, and clients expect that
to work from a separate thread while statement is still running (and
producing warnings).
There's #close which apparently should be thread-safe (e.g. to play
well with automatic flnalize-like cleanup).
Threre's Connection#abort, and so on.

Julian> So, the solution is not necessarily to add locks and/or
synchronized all over MetaImpl.

Apparently the solution is to replace "connection" and "connProps"
fields of MetaImpl with Map<ConnectionId, ...> kind of field.
It is really hard to imagine a HTTP service that produces correct
results only in case it is accessed from within a single connection

For instance, connectionSync is a separate wire command, so currently
it just overwrites MetaImpl field, and it is pretty close to plug&pray
kind of technology.
I wonder how it managed to survive for such a long go.

I'm not sure how much sense MetaImpl(AvaticaConnection connection)
constructor parameter makes.
I think connection creation should happen in

Of course, MetaImpl might want to have a connection instance for calls
like catalogs(), then it could just call openConnection on its own and
that's it.

Am I missing something?


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