Congratulations, Zhiwei!

Thanks ~
Haisheng Yuan
发件人:Francis Chuang<>
日 期:2019年04月27日 10:37:11
主 题:[ANNOUNCE] New committers: Zhiwei Peng

Apache Calcite's Project Management Committee (PMC) has invited Zhiwei 
Peng to become a committer, and we are pleased to announce that he has 

Zhiwei has been contributing to Calcite for a while, racking up an 
impressive 20 pull requests, in particular, doing a lot of work to 
improve RexSimplify.

Zhiwei, welcome, thank you for your contributions, and we look forward 
your further interactions with the community! If you wish, please feel 
free to tell us more about yourself and what you are working on.

Francis (on behalf of the Apache Calcite PMC)

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