Julian>It is difficult to build LICENSE and NOTICE files automatically

So what?
I claim that automatic license compilation produces better results than
currently present license files in Apache Calcite source code.
I claim that automatic license compilation produces better results than
currently present license files in Apache JMeter source code.
At the same time, automatic license gathering can be guided and overridden,
so no control is lost.

Julian>Conversely, if we rely too heavily on automatic tooling

I'm afraid it is a weak point.
Consider "if we rely too heavily on automatic build systems, and do not
learn how to invoke javac and javadoc manually, then the tooling will make
mistakes and we won’t notice."

Julian>For example, if you have copied some code from a project that has a
NOTICE file you only need to copy the lines

Note: I do not suggest to automatically generate NOTICE file

Julian>If we don’t exercise judgment we will end up creating LICENSE and
NOTICE files larger than they need to be

"files larger than they need to be" is not a problem
"A dependency with a non ASF-compliant license" is a problem.
"A dependency without a proper attribution" is a problem as well.

No-one suggests to build Calcite via explicit javac commands, and I see no
reason to use "manual only" approach for compiling licenses.


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