
when going through the Code I just had another Idea.
Currently a TableFunction is executed as EnumerableTableFunctionScan which gets 
generated from a LogicalTableFunctionScan by the Rule 
What if you just remove that Rule and add a custom Rule of yours which 
translates it of a TableScan of your taste?


Am 10.09.19, 08:13 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" <j.feina...@pragmaticminds.de>:

    Hi Gabriel,
    thats an interesting question for me too.
    Do you need parameters for those "dynamic tables"?
    If not you could do it similar to what Drill is doing and just implement a 
Schema which always returns "true" if someone asks for a Table and then returns 
a Table Implementation that you provide where you can hook in later and add the 
functionality that you in fact need. This can then also be used in optimization 
as you can then control your custom Table type.
    Perhaps it helps to look at the DrillTable class in [1].
    On a Side node I try to figure out what would be necessary to make 
TableFunction wo also work with TranslatableTable.
    Would you mind opening an issue in Jira for that?
    Am 10.09.19, 03:25 schrieb "Gabriel Reid" <gabriel.r...@gmail.com>:
        I'm currently using a combination of TableFunctions and TableMacros to
        expose various dynamic (relatively unstructured) data sources via 
        The underlying data sources are such that data can only be retrieved by
        first specifying what you want (i.e. there is no catalog of all data 
        is available).
        I'm currently handling this by using a combination of TableFunctions and
        The issue that I'm running into comes when I want to implement custom
        planner rules for the underlying functionality. As far I as I can see, 
        not possible to register planner rules based on a TableFunctionImpl,
        because a TableFunctionImpl only exposes a ScannableTable, so there's no
        chance to hook into RelOptNode.register.
        On the other hand, implementing a TableMacro does allow to return a
        TranslatableTable, which then does allow intercepting the call to
        RelOptNode.register to register rules. However, TableMacros require that
        all parameters are literals, and I'm providing timestamps, via
        TIMESTAMPADD() and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() calls, which then doesn't work 
        TableMacros (all parameters to a table macro need to be literals, 
        query validation fails in Calcite).
        I'm wondering if I'm missing some built-in functionality which would 
        it possible to have a dynamic table function/macro that can also be
        manipulated via custom planner rules.
        Options (which may or may not exist) that I can think of are:
        * something that would/could visit all macro parameters ahead of time 
        resolve things like CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() to a literal, before further 
        validation occurs
        * register rules somewhere outside of RelOptNode.register (e.g. when the
        schema is first created)
        Are there any currently-working options in Calcite that can help me do 
        I'm trying to do? And if there aren't and I would add such a thing to
        Calcite, are there any suggestions as to what the most appropriate 
        would be (either one of the two options I listed above, or something 

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