Nice summary of the release problems, Stamatis ! Maybe we should put the 
precautions to the website so that other RM can follow in the next releases ~

Danny Chan
在 2019年9月12日 +0800 AM7:54,Stamatis Zampetakis <>,写道:
> The release process for apache-calcite-1.21.0 is now complete.
> You can now commit again to the master.
> Once again, I would like to thank again all the members of the community
> that helped in getting 1.21.0 out the door. A special mention for the
> reviewers who helped getting in some great features dedicating a
> significant amount of their time.
> During the vote various issues were raised.
> Spurious .xml files were present in release candidate 0; I have the
> impression that they came up due to the dry run that I did just before the
> release (without performing a git clean). As it is not indicated in the
> documentation I am thinking to add a small notice.
> The build fails for certain locales due to CALCITE-2816; we agree that the
> build problem must be solved for 1.22.0.
> There are intermittent failures in the Pig module; CALCITE-3336 was logged
> and we should continue further discussions there.
> There were some small issues with the release notes (passive voice, and
> backticks); I took care of them in
> .
> There was a comment that adc1532de does not have tag calcite-1.21.0 but if
> I am not looking at the wrong place I think its there.
> The checksum hash that was communicated in the vote email was wrong; given
> that the correct one was send along with the artifacts and people used this
> for the checks I assume there is no problem.
> There are some minor problems with README and files; I will
> update them in the following days.
> The instructions in "Publishing a release" related with the release
> announcement, and the Javadoc generation are slightly confusing. In order
> to generate the Javadoc we must be in the tag calcite-1.21.0 and not in the
> branch-1.21 and on the other hand the release announcement should be
> committed in the branch-1.21. It may be worth adding a few more details
> there.
> If I missed something else worth mentioning feel free to include it.
> Best,
> Stamatis

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