Why would we not merge those PRs or even disable the whole thing ?

On Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 12:09 AM Francis Chuang <francischu...@apache.org>

> Dependabot is a bot on Github that opens PRs to automatically upgrade
> out of date dependencies to fix security issues. Recently, Github
> acquired dependabot and is gradually enabling the bot on all repositories.
> It just opened a PR to upgrade a few dependencies in the Avatica
> repository: https://github.com/apache/calcite-avatica/pull/114
> I'd like to start some discussion as to how we should deal with these
> PRs. For some background, dependency upgrades should usually have a jira
> issue number assigned, so that the change is fully trackable. We
> recently had some discussion regarding trivial fixes to documentation
> and the consensus was that changes to the code is not considered to be
> trivial and that an issue should be filed on jira.
> If we will not merge these PRs, I think it makes sense to ask infra to
> disable them. Having these open PRs and then closing them manually seem
> to generate a lot of noise. According to the documentation for
> dependabot [1] it appears that we can either opt out of having
> dependabot opening PRs completely or have it open PRs. There is no
> middle-ground where dependabot/Github sends members of the repo a
> notification for security issues, but do not open any PRs.
> What do you guys think?
> Francis
> [1]
> https://help.github.com/en/articles/configuring-automated-security-fixes

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