You're right that there are several types which are not supported by
the Cassandra adapter. We would happily accept pull requests to add
support for new types.

You're also correct that Cassandra cannot efficiently execute queries
which do not specify the partition key. Calcite will make those
queries more efficient, but it can make it easier to execute queries
that CQL does not directly support. Ultimately data is still stored
based on the partition key, so if your query does not specify a
partition key, Calcite will still need to issue an expensive
cross-partition query to Cassandra.
Michael Mior

Le mer. 16 oct. 2019 à 07:57, Yanna elina <> a écrit :
> Hi guys ,
> I study Calcite the benefits that a Cassandra-Calcite Adapter can bring ,
> as for example brings the possibility of join.
> the problem type defined into CassandraSchema.getRelDataType(..) is very
> limited
> some important type are missing  boolean / array ect...
> I thought inherited from the class CassandraSchema for Override  this
> method and add more type but this method is used inside CassandraTable too.
> i would like to avoid  to re-write fully this adapter  :)
> do you have suggestions?
> My second question  is : Cassandra is not optimized to have WHERE on key
> not defined on cluster/partition key. I was wondering if calcite could play
> a role without this mechanism to improve performance
> Thank !
> Yanna

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