Hi all,

While I was looking at CALCITE-2970, I noticed that some of the rules are fired 
for both logical and physical nodes. For example, ProjectMergeRule matches 
Project.class, so it’s fired for LogicalProject. But then after LogicalProject 
is converted into EnummerableProject, the same rule is fired again for the 
physical rels. Same for EnumerableLimitRule, SortRemoveConstantKeysRule, etc. 

This seems to be unnecessary. When ProjectMerge is applied to LogicalProject 
nodes, we already generate all possible alternatives with merged projects. We 
just need to convert the LogicalProject into EnumerableProject. There’s no need 
to merge EnumerableProject again. 

If I update those rules to only match logical nodes, the planning time of the 
case in CALCITE-2970 is reduced ~30%. 

Any thoughts?

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