I think Alibaba and a quite a few other companies[1] are heavy users of Calcite. Perhaps someone from those companies can write up a nice little factoid.

[1] https://calcite.apache.org/docs/powered_by.html

On 24/03/2020 8:26 pm, Stamatis Zampetakis wrote:

There is an effort for promoting Apache projects by sharing impressive
things or highly-visible  implementations/deployments.

Examples from other projects:

1) Apple Siri completes full ring replication around the world in 10
seconds using Apache HBase.

2) More than 60% of Apache projects use Apache Maven for build management.

3) Netflix uses Apache Druid to manage its 1.5 trillion-row data warehouse
requirements that include what users see when tapping the Netflix icon or
logging in from a browser across platforms.

Does anybody has some ideas of what we could write about Calcite?


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