Hi Calcite Devs,

Firstly, thank you to all of you for building this fantastic tool.

I'm currently experimenting with using Calcite on top of our document
database Crux (opencrux.com) offering bitemporal features using a Datalog
query language. You can see our efforts here, written in Clojure!


So far we've been impressed at the power Calcite gives, with such little
amount of integration code needed.

We now have an initial MVP working using the ProjectableFilterableTable
route. The adapter is basically constructing a Datalog query that we then
execute against our DB.

So far so good, and now I have some initial questions:

Firstly, in this code we're making use of ProjectableFilterableTable to get
us up and running. I've looked at the Mongo and Elastic adapters in the
Calcite source, and they opt for TranslatableTable which is a deeper
integration. From I can see the immediate disadvantage of
ProjectableFilterableTable is that it's a query per table, meaning that we
can't efficiently delegate joins to our DB.

Moving to TranslatableTable would be a significant investment for us. My
first question is: would you encourage us to make this investment, given
we've got something up and running using ProjectableFilterableTable, with
Calcite doing the heavy lifting? Please could you also advise on soliciting
mentoring / consulting to help guide us, for which we can compensate.

Our next question is around temporality. I can see in the Calcite code that
there is a concept of a TemporalTable, supporing "FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF X".
It looks like we wouldn't be able to make use of this using
ProjectableFilterableTable, at least this is my experience thus far. In
Crux we also expose VALID_TIME to our users to be able to query for,
whereby users can query against VALID_TIME and/or SYSTEM_TIME. How might
you recommend we achieve this using Calcite?

Thanks & Regards,


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