
In the past few months, we have discussed a lot about Cascades style top-down 
optimization, including on-demand trait derivation/request, rule apply, branch 
and bound space pruning. Now we think it is time to move towards these targets.

We will separate it into several small issues, and each one can be integrated 
as a standalone, independent feature, and most importantly, meanwhile keep 
backward compatibility.

1. Top-down trait request
In other words, pass traits requirements from parent nodes to child nodes. The 
trait requests happens after all the logical transformation rules and physical 
implementation rules are done, in a top-down manner, driven from root set. e.g.:
SELECT a, sum(c) FROM 
    (SELECT * FROM R JOIN S USING (a, b)) t

Suppose we have the following plan tree in the MEMO, and let's only consider 
distribution for simplicity, each group represents a RelSet in the MEMO.

   Group 1:     Agg on [a]  
   Group 2:           +-- MergeJoin on [a, b]
   Group 3:                       |--- TableScan R
   Group 4:                       +--- TableScan S
   | Group No | Operator    | Derived Traits | Required Traits |
   | ----------- | ------------- | --------------- | --------------- |
   | Group 1  | Aggregate    | Hash[a]         | N/A                |
   | Group 2  | MergeJoin    | Hash[a,b]      | Hash[a]          |
   | Group 3  | TableScan R | None            | Hash[a,b]       |
   | Group 4  | TableScan S | None            | Hash[a,b]       |

We will add new interface PhysicalNode (or extending RelNode) with methods: 

- Pair<RelTraitSet,List<RelTraitSet>> requireTraits(RelTraitSet required);
  pair.left is the current operator's new traitset, pair.right is the list of 
children's required traitset.

- RelNode passThrough(RelTraitSet required); 
  Default implementation will call above method requireTraits() and 
RelNode.copy() to create new RelNode. Available to be overriden for physical 
operators to customize the logic.

The planner will call above method on MergeJoin operator to pass the required 
traits (Hash[a]) to Mergejoin's child operators.

We will get a new MergeJoin:
 MergeJoin hash[a] 
          |---- TableScan R hash[a] (RelSubset)
          +---- TableScan S hash[a] (RelSubset)

Now the MEMO group looks like:
   | Group No | Operator    | Derived Traits       | Required Traits      |
   | ---------- | -------- ----- | -------------------- | --------------------- 
   | Group1   | Aggregate   | Hash[a]                 | N/A                     
   | Group2   | MergeJoin   | Hash[a,b], Hash[a]| Hash[a]                  |
   | Group3   | TableScan R | None                    | Hash[a,b], Hash[a] |
   | Group4   | TableScan S | None                    | Hash[a,b], Hash[a] |

Calcite user may choose to ignore / not implement the interface to keep the 
original behavior. Each physical operator, according to its own logic, decides 
whether passThrough() should pass traits down or not by returning:
- a non-null RelNode, which means it can pass down
- null object, which means can't pass down

2. Provide option to disable AbstractConverter
Once the plan can request traits in top-down way in the framework, many system 
don't need AbstractConverter anymore, since it is just a intermediate operator 
to generate physical sort / exchange. For those, we can provide option to 
disable AbstractConverter, generate physical enforcer directly by adding a 
method to interface Convention:
- RelNode enforce(RelNode node, RelTraitSet traits);

The default implementation may just calling changeTraitsUsingConverters(), but 
people may choose to override it if the system has special needs, like several 
traits must implement together, or the position of collation in RelTraitSet is 
before distribution.

3. Top-down driven, on-demand rule apply
For every RelNode in a RelSet, rule is matched and applied sequentially, newly 
generated RelNodes are added to the end of RelNode list in the RelSet waiting 
for rule apply. RuleQueue and DeferringRuleCall is not needed anymore. This 
will make space pruning and rule mutual exclusivity check possible.

There are 3 stages for each RelSet:
a). Exploration: logical transformation, yields logical nodes
b). Implementation: physical transformation, yields physical nodes
c). Optimization: trait request, enforcement

The general process looks like:
- optimize RelSet X:
implement RelSet X
    for each physical relnode in RelSet X:
        // pass down trait requests to child RelSets
        for each child RelSet Y of current relnode:
            optimize RelSet Y

- implement RelSet X:
    if X has been implemented:
explore RelSet X
    for each relnode in RelSet X:
        apply physical rules
- explore RelSet X:
     if X has been explored 
for each relnode in RelSet X:
        // ensure each child RelSet of current relnode is explored
for each child RelSet Y of current relnode:
           explore RelSet Y
        apply logical rules on current relnode

Basically it is a state machine with several states: Initialized, Explored, 
Exploring, Implemented, Implementing, Optimized, Optimizing and several 
transition methods: exploreRelSet, exploreRelNode, implementRelSet, 
implementRelNode, optimizeRelSet, optimizeRelNode...

To achieve this, we need to mark the rules either logical rule or physical rule.
To keep backward compatibility, all the un-marked rules will be treated as 
logical rules, except rules that uses AbstractConverter as rule operand, these 
rules still need to applied top-down, or random order.

4. On-demand, bottom-up trait derivation
It is called bottom-up, but actually driven by top-down, happens same time as 
top-down trait request, in optimization stage mentioned above. Many Calcite 
based bigdata system only propagate traits on Project and Filter by writing 
rules, which is very limited. In fact, we can extend trait 
propagation/derivation to all the operators, without rules, by adding interface 
PhysicalNode (or extending RelNode) with method:
- RelNode derive(RelTraitSet traits, int childId);

Given the following plan (only consider distribution for simplicity):
   Agg [a,b]
      +-- MergeJoin [a]
                 |---- TableScan R
                 +--- TableScan S

Hash[a] won't satisfy Hash[a,b] without special treatment, because there isn't 
a mechanism to coordinate traits between children.

Now we call derive method on Agg [a,b] node, derive(Hash[a], 0), we get the new 
Agg [a]
  +-- MergeJoin [a] (RelSubset) 

We will provide different matching type, so each operator can specify what kind 
of matching type it requires its children:
- MatchType getMatchType(RelTrait trait, int childId);

a) Exact: Hash[a,b] exact match Hash[a,b], aka, satisfy
b) Partial: Hash[a] partial match Hash[a,b]
c) Permuted: Sort[a,b,c] permuted match Sort[c,b,a]

In addition, optimization order is provided for each opertor to specify:
a) left to right
b) right to left
c) both

For example, for query SELECT * FROM R join S on R.a=S.a and R.b=S.b and 
Suppose R is distributed by a,b, and S is distributed by c.
 MergeJoin [a,b,c]
       |--- TableScan R [a,b]
       +-- TableScan S [c]
a) left to right, call derive(Hash[a,b], 0), we get MergeJoin [a,b]
b) right to left, call derive(Hash[c], 1), we get MergeJoin [c], most likely a 
bad plan
c) both, get above 2 plans.

For system that doesn't have a fine-tuned stats and cost model, it may not be 
able to make a right decision based purely on cost. Probably we need to provide 
the MergeJoin with both children's derived traitset list.
- List<RelNode> derive(List<List<RelTraitSet>>); 

Of course, all above methods are optional to implement for those who doesn't 
need this feature.

5. Branch and Bound Space Pruning
After we implement on-demand, top-down trait enforcement and rule-apply, we can 
pass the cost limit at the time of passing down required traits, as described 
in the classical Cascades paper. Right now, Calcite doesn't provide group level 
logical properties, including stats info, each operator in the same group has 
its own logical property and the stats may vary, so we can only do limited 
space pruning for trait enforcement, still good. But if we agree to add option 
to share group level stats between relnodes in a RelSet, we will be able to do 
more aggresive space pruning, which will help boost the performance of join 
reorder planning.

With all that being said, how do we move forward?

There are 2 ways:
a) Modify on current VolcanoPlanner.
  Pros: code reuse, existing numerous test cases and infrastructure, fast 
  Cons: changing code always brings risk

b) Add a new XXXXPlanner
  Pros: no risk, no tech debt, no need to worry about backward compatability
  Cons: separate test cases for new planner, one more planner to maintain

We'd like to hear the community's thoughts and advices.

- Haisheng

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