Hi, I'm investigating the behavior of the functions timestampdiff with 
different time-units.

I found that in the case of the time-units: second, minute, hour, and day, the 
logical plan returned by Calcite is consistent. Since the input is a timestamp 
in milliseconds, in the same way, the result is in milliseconds. 

For example, for the following query:
"select l_shipdate, l_commitdate, timestampdiff(DAY, l_commitdate, l_shipdate) 
as diff from lineitem limit 5"

its logical plan produced is:

  LogicalProject(l_shipdate=[$10], l_commitdate=[$11], 
diff=[CAST(/INT(Reinterpret(-($10, $11)), 86400000)):INTEGER])
    LogicalTableScan(table=[[main, lineitem]])

So far, so good. However, for the month and year case, the output is not what I 
would expect. For the query:

"select l_shipdate, l_commitdate, timestampdiff(MONTH, l_commitdate, 
l_shipdate) as diff from lineitem limit 5"

its logical plan produced is:

  LogicalProject(l_shipdate=[$10], l_commitdate=[$11], 
diff=[CAST(Reinterpret(-($10, $11))):INTEGER])
    LogicalTableScan(table=[[main, lineitem]])

What I expected is that the subtraction is also divided by a month in 
milliseconds, something like: 
  LogicalProject(l_shipdate=[$10], l_commitdate=[$11], 
[CAST(/INT(Reinterpret(-($10, $11)), 2592000000)):INTEGER])

Doesn't seem to be a bug in Calcite, because the processing of constants in the 
unit tests passes OK:

    tester.checkScalar("{fn TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR,"
        + " TIMESTAMP '2014-03-29 12:34:56',"
        + " TIMESTAMP '2014-03-29 12:34:56')}", "0", "INTEGER NOT NULL");
    tester.checkScalar("{fn TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH,"
        + " TIMESTAMP '2019-09-01 00:00:00',"
        + " TIMESTAMP '2020-03-01 00:00:00')}", "6", "INTEGER NOT NULL");

So I wonder if there is something I'm not considering that is making me think 
wrong. Please, any ideas?

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