Hi Enrico,

We have also observed the problem.

Janino compilation is time consuming. For each single Java class, it takes
tens of milli-seconds.
Moreover, the compilation will take place multiple times, because:
1. We have multiple types of metadata.
2. The class for a particular type of metadata may be regenerated and
recompiled, because a rel node was not registered at first.

We opened CALCITE-3901 and provided a PR [1] to address problem 2 by
reducing the number of compilations. However, so far it has not been
accepted yet.

To solve problem 1, I think we have two potential solutions:
1. Provide a metadata provider that is not based on codegen and Janino
compilation (Obviously, this will be a long term plan).
2. Save the generated Java class, and compile it with the client code, and
change the implementation of JaninoMetaDataProvider#load3 so that if a
handler can be found in the current class loader, then it skips the codegen
and compilation.

Liya Fan

[1] https://github.com/apache/calcite/pull/1901

On Fri, Sep 18, 2020 at 3:01 PM Enrico Olivelli <eolive...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am seeing that JaninoRelMetadataProvider is quite expensive, at least for
> the "boostrap" phase of the system.
> It is a cool piece of software and it is working well, but in some cases
> probably it could be quite overkill, for instance in test cases of
> applications that mostly run only one query and then end.
> You could argue that the price of the compilation is paid only once and
> there is no need to complicate things for some corner cases that probably
> do not affect production cases.
> In CALCITE-3901 we introduced calcite.enable.regenerate.metadata.handler
> system property in order to limit the number of times that Janino kicks in
> but not to drop it at all.
> From the code I see that it is a subclass of RelMetadataProvider, but there
> is no way to get rid of it in VolcanoPlanner.
> Also, Janino is a third party library, and having the ability of dropping
> it will help in having a smaller set of dependencies downstream (but this
> is not blocker at the moment, it is only a nice-to-have)
> Do you have any experience with this problem ? Is there any chance to add
> some configuration option to pass a RelMetadataProvider implementation
> that does not rely on dynamic code generation ?
> If the idea is valuable I will be happy to work on it.
> See this issue for reference, with a full stacktrace of the execution
> https://github.com/diennea/herddb/issues/517
> Regards
> Enrico

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