I should add that while the project entered the incubator in 2014, I
believe the development started a couple years earlier, but I'll leave
Julian Hyde (the original author of Optiq) to answer.
Michael Mior

Le jeu. 6 mai 2021 à 09:47, Michael Mior <mm...@apache.org> a écrit :
> 1. The project entered the Apache incubator in 2014.
> 2. Optiq was the original name of the Calcite project. The name was
> changed, but the project is the same and the current code base is
> derived from the code of Optiq.
> 3. Calcite development is volunteer-driven so what features will be
> implemented depends entirely on what volunteers choose to work on.
> Some areas that have seen a lot of work over the past couple years are
> JSON, geospatial, and streaming query support although there are many
> other interesting things upcoming.
> This is by no means an exhaustive list, but you can see new features
> which have been logged in our issue tracker below:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20CALCITE%20AND%20issuetype%20%3D%20%22New%20Feature%22%20AND%20resolution%20%3D%20Unresolved%20ORDER%20BY%20priority%20DESC%2C%20updated%20DESC
> --
> Michael Mior
> mm...@apache.org
> Le jeu. 6 mai 2021 à 00:23, Junwen Liu <zaiyua...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> >
> > Hi Mr. or Ms. :
> > I'm an engineer who is using Calcite as our Optimizer in our
> > project.Calcite is an amazing framework that can meet our demands. But I
> > want to know mostly is the history of Calcite, we also want to create an
> > open-source project. So I want to know these things about calcite:
> > 1. When did you start this project?
> > 2. What the difference between optiq and Calcite?
> > 3. Where Calcite will go, what features Calcite will support?

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