Hello everyone,
I was checking a build failure
<https://app.travis-ci.com/github/apache/calcite/jobs/584482342> related to
JDK15 and I wanted to try it locally, however I can't do it via sdkman
<https://sdkman.io/> (a "multi-platform software manager") as JDK is not
anymore available. This is not the first time, and it makes review tasks
complicated sometimes (in this specific case it seems an ENV issue, but
that's not the point here).

I wanted to discuss with you if we really want to keep those "recent but
EOL" versions or not in our test matrix.

I know that JDK8 is EOL too, but lots of projects are still based on it and
it's sadly running in PROD in many places for the same reason. In my (maybe
limited) experience, those who upgraded to newer versions (> 11), aren't
likely to get stuck at, say, 15 and can't move to 17. Is my assumption
correct in your experience?

In my sdkman on MacOS I only see JDK 8, 11, 17, 20, 21, 22, and I strongly
suspect they are following some criteria based on LTS/EOL versions.

Shall we try to do something similar for Calcite and remove non-LTS+EOL
versions higher than 11?

Best regards,

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